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Revamped TenPenny Tower


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hey man maybe you can help me. im having some trouble with the security camera idea. have any thoughts on how this could work?


Uhm. I don't know anything about scripting. *thinks for 5 minutes* Nope, No idea. I'm sure there are some script lines that allows you to make a security monitor. Maybe make it a bit more simple. Or a big ass watch-tower. Oh right they already have a giant tower. I do know that there are mods for oblivion that let's you see through the windows of your house out onto the streets. Never tried them though. Might be worth checking out?

Aren't there some security cameras in point lookout? That mansion. Maybe worth taking a look at?


Some basic security cameras today takes one picture every 6 seconds. Maybe that would be easier?


*Thinks for another five minutes* Okay I'm completely out of ideas. I'm gonna re-repair my fallout and head to Tenpenny.


More general citizens would be cool. Megaton has like tons, and Tenpenny hasn't even half as many.

They should have a grand piano. And a... No.


Okay that's it. I'm out of ideas.



Edited by SweFerk
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holy sh*t the grand pianno idea is pure gold. i think someone put up a modders resource of a grand pianno on tesnexus il send him an email. il then add a script that when activated play fur elise by bethoven, that would be legit. uh generaly a mod that lets you look thorugh windows is just adding fake objects outsied the window to give the apearance of being outside but its realy not. and point lockout security cameras il have to look. i dont have any DLCs at the moment because im kind of broke, and no i will not pirate it because im not a douche bag.
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http://www.spike.com/video/fallout-3-point/3193942 ok so this video shows the cameras but they arent live footage. what there doing is using a similar method to what the creator of "television comes to fallout" basicly what he is doing is haveing pre-recorded pictures running in a sequence and "changing" the texture of the monitop 30 times per second. so i could use this method but it would be a lot of work, not as I catching because it would not be played in real time, and i dont think that concept has been given a lot of permssion by the author...
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You should check out 'HiVE'.

It has realtime security cameras.


You can check the script out there.

And Ill add the grand piano to save you the hastle, and since Im doing a total revamp, it seems logical.

And nice idea for the Fur Elise when activated :3


Acutally, you can add it if you really want to, but it might conflict.

Depends where you add it really.


Its up to you.

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You should check out 'HiVE'.

It has realtime security cameras.


You can check the script out there.

And Ill add the grand piano to save you the hastle, and since Im doing a total revamp, it seems logical.

And nice idea for the Fur Elise when activated :3


Acutally, you can add it if you really want to, but it might conflict.

Depends where you add it really.


Its up to you.


wow thanks for hive il look into it. and so i just checked the piano was cleaned up and moved here to fo3nexus. and i think it has an animated lid. so here is my plan. either its activatable by us or a pianist npc is conjured up in the geck. we then scour the intenrer for a possible pianno plaining animation. that would be cool. as soon as he starts playing the music starts up. and also since the lid can close if you activate the lid and it closes there should be a cliche piano bang sound when the lid slams. and one more thing to add a second script added so when you shoot the pianno it plays a random pianno key sound and there should be 5 differnet key sounds played random when shot. if anyone has played hitman blood money they should remember this fun feature of the game.

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hmmm 88 keys? lol that would take so long. and all the different sounds.....but yea good idea. anyways i launched fose and headed to tenpenny and here are the notes i took brace yourself this is long....:


add swith next to intercom activator for gate this will create ease of access, or better yet a key card scanner. player must have key card in inventory to open gate. keycard can be found on dead wastelander added by mod.


add animated fountain to fountain at entrance.


add names to security gaurds?


add 2 fallout 3 american flags to top of tower


add more NPCs to outdoor cafe (2 people is worthles)


add iradiated food to outdoor dumpsters


add walls and door to outside gaurd station (this is not where the security cameras will be going however)


working light switches/power box (I am currently working on this)


remove chairs on left side of tower entrance and replace with activatable grand piano


make telephone on chief gustovs desk an intercom with tenpenny saying something like leave me alone


security cameras will be going in corners of rooms


the elevetor will have an interior with a moving elevator shaft and working "escape" hatch


add doors to the other boarded up balconys


expand player penthouse


add buttler and maid to clean penthouse ans occupy spare bed at night (currently working on this)


this one is more of a personal idea but i've always thought tenpenny and mr. burke where gay so if megaton has been destroyed they would sleep at night in the same bed


add attic entrance in the penthouse suite lobby.


add junk and possible ghost to attic


add roof access ladder to left of balcony entrance when exiting tenpenny suit


add collision to roof (currently working on)


add a basement with various junk and possibly a ghost


thats all of my plans please if anyone wants to expand please write up after this.

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haha yea ghost lol i think it would kinda cool. im almost done adding a roof access to tenpenny tower. il upload in an hour or so.

alright i just uploaded it. its a great mod works wonderfully! here is the link:




its been up for only 3 minutes and already has 40 views :D

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