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WHY IS EVERYONE COMPLAINING ABOUT A HD 4600 I'm running Skyrim from an intel hd 3000 and you make my cry :sad:


Intel HD 3000

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 25.494 avg: 29.036.3 (8%) median: 27.124 (8%) max: 36.403 Points


Radeon R9 280x

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 302.308 avg: 302.308 (87%) median: 302.308 (87%) max: 302.308 Points


GeForce GTX 660 Ti

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 227.651 avg: 227.651 (66%) median: 227.651 (66%) max: 227.651 Points


Radeon HD 8970M

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 82.309 avg: 110.127 (32%) median: 110.127 (32%) max: 137.945 Points



That's why. Intel HD 4000 is not even able to run my mods with no ENB installed.

Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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WHY IS EVERYONE COMPLAINING ABOUT A HD 4600 I'm running Skyrim from an intel hd 3000 and you make my cry :sad:


Intel HD 3000

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 25.494 avg: 29.036.3 (8%) median: 27.124 (8%) max: 36.403 Points


Radeon R9 280x

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 302.308 avg: 302.308 (87%) median: 302.308 (87%) max: 302.308 Points


GeForce GTX 660 Ti

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 227.651 avg: 227.651 (66%) median: 227.651 (66%) max: 227.651 Points


Radeon HD 8970M

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 82.309 avg: 110.127 (32%) median: 110.127 (32%) max: 137.945 Points



That's why. Intel HD 4000 is not even able to run my mods with no ENB installed.



While I agree on the ENB part (haven't found one that did not smash my FPS into pieces) there are in fact plenty of mods it can run. Had a playthrough with about 80 or 90 installed at once, Frostfall, RnD and SkyRe included.

Just keep Skyrim settings on Low and tick off all those Pretty Boxes... sigh...

And the HD 4000 is still a few points better than my 3000:

3DMark (2013) - Ice Storm Standard Graphics 1280x720

min: 11232 avg: 31493 (9%) median: 31435 (9%) max: 48923 Points
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Mods like RND are game latency dependent, not gpu. I mean mods like Skyrim BiggerTrees + 4k textures, 4k tree lods, more grass, detailed distant terrain meshes and textures, volumetric fogs, uncompressed face and body textures, high poly bodies and hair, etc.


Sure you can run few gameplay mods that require only good cpu, but this does not make Intel HD a true gaming card. madcow12 has an Radeon 8970m in his laptop that he paid for and it makes no sense for him to run skyrim on inferior integrated card, that is just piece of cpu. 110.127 points vs 31.435



I wish all skyrim fans could experience the game on at least gtx 660 ti.

Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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@BlackRoseOfThorns I just noticed in your enbinjector.ini that it has no lines for skse.exe. Is it because you don't use SKSE or is it not needed? Also if I'm getting crashes with ExpandSystemMemoryX64 set to true, where should I look to fix it?

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so I've managed to make it read the correct videocard using a custom DLL generator that was created for FNV, but now the exterior is all drab and i have no sun. the interiors work fine and i get solid 60 FPS everywhere, but the sun is missing...
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From what I noticed the .dll fix works correctly only for old enb files (it's wrapper version fix). You need to make it work with injector, if you want to stick to Unchained Enb. Z ENB works with Nvidia Optimus FIX, I think it also may work for your radeon with dll generator.




Edit: Just to be sure, before when you tried injector version you run first ENBInjector.exe in the background and only after that started game .exe? And Skyrim folder was properly cleaned > old ENB (wrapper) removed file by file? Also your laptop energy option needs to be set to high performance, so it won't switch to Intel HD when enb is detecting your card.

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Yes I ran the Injector.exe first then started the game, and the folder was properly cleaned of all ENB files before placing the ENB files again, with power settings to High Performance. I tried adding skse_loader.exe to the CCC profiles and that seems to help somewhat. Guess i'll change ENB preset. I was getting tired of Somber anyways.

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Something occurred to me. A while back I heard people were complaining that enb injector was reading new series Nvidia mobile cards only 1 out of 10 times, because the game loaded too fast. Since then they have switched to Mod Organizer, which is a great tool with options like game profiles, but also a lot slower. This have solved the issue.

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The learning curve on MO always kinda frightened me but I will try learning MO next time i make my skyrim vanilla again. right now, i switched to somber 3 and that's running very well with injector. doesn't read the correct card, but i think it's running off the discreet one correctly. solid 40s FPS with DoF off. perhaps my fps has always been low because of my weak core (i7-4600mq 2.4Ghz)

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