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Cuz I wanna see them bounce


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Ahhhh what a topic title hahaha! I got my BBB models installed and it looks awesome only problem is when my wife comes into the room she freaks on me and tell me to get some clothes on that girl. So unwillingly :yucky: I tracked down this mod




Now to install it the readme and he says in his description that all you have to do is drag the meshes that match your body type over and that's exactly what I did. There clothes don't show up in the game so I don't know if I have to find them like in a box or something somewhere or what. If anyone could help me figure this out I'd appreciate it thanks. I sent the creator a message a while back with no response and posted on the forum for the mod with no luck. Thanks again.

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Sorry, but this mod is not designed to be used the way you think.


It is a Replacer for the mods he listed on the page.


To gain the effects you need to first download and install whichever of the mods you want to use. --AND-- make sure the mod is active in your "Data Files" list.


THEN, drag the appropriate meshes from his mod into your data folder, overwriting the originals with bouncing versions.


The way he did this does have the advantage that you only need to replace whichever of the mods you like/use.



This mod does NOT replace any vanilla clothing or armor, so if you have installed some other mod that does, and want to cover it up, then this is not the mod you are looking for...


(Sorry, but I can't help you with one that does).

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Ok I got them to work. I didn't have the original set of outfits that you have to layer this mod on top of. I had the nude skins and skeleton just not the original outfits lol. I feel stupid I guess I'll read a little more carefully next time. :wallbash:
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