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Signs you've played too much Fallout 3


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I used to live in that area of Maryland. I often think, darn, there used to be so and so place around that area... while looking at the pipboy. I even noted the spot where my old house was.


I really have been playing too much, I actualy caught myself planning out, while at dinner, what my next move would be, and which followers I was going to take.


I looked in my closet. Hanging in the back is my MOLLE vest. I actually wondered what it would look like in the game.


The best though, after some time gaming, I looked over to find a stewarts cram soda bottle, a beer bottle, and a cup. I grabbed them and caught myself heading to the sink to fill them with water.....



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You know you have played to much when after 3 - 5 hours of playing you walk outside and ask yourself why isnt everything all bombed out and why arnt you in D.C.?

Or conversely, you wander around outside and go, "wait a minute... Greener World isn't installed. What are these shenanigans?"

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