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Is The Next Elder Scroll Almost Here?!


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They won't MMO the TES series. Or at least if they do I think it would be a seperate game, not TESV. That would be suicide. The thing thats made the ES games so successful over the years is that you can play them through your way... then mod them to hell and do it all over again... and again... and again...

You loose both the mods and the ability to play the game "your way" in an MMO... be a great way to kill the series.

They'd also be going head to head with Star Trek Online (pretty much), and the previously mentioned KotR MMO... A great way to loose a lot of money would be to release a half backed mmorpg at any time within the next couple of years... so no, I doubt they're going to MMO it.

On the bright side, my understanding was that they started working on it when they'd finished Oblivion. So I'd expect the release much sooner than 2013. Guessing next year. Or if you're all really, really good, and Bethesda have just been playing their cards close to their chests and not sitting on their hands as it appears (hey, they've done that before) maybe Santa will bring you it for christmas. I highly doubt it. But maybe.

And that brings us to the next biggest worry... Sony or Microsoft aren't planning on releasing a new console any time soon are they? :unsure:

Last thing we need is an MMORPG... second to last would be another rushed launch. Nothing against console games or gamers, but they really would be better off making the TES series PC exclusive and focusing on getting the next one right at launch.



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Wasn't Battle Sphere MMO? I may be wrong, But I could have sworn it was

Do you mean Battlespire? It wasn't an MMO, though it did have a multiplayer feature.


Yeah, battlespire, bleh, my bad, wasn't sure. But now that I think about it...if the new TES had the same kind of feature, would more people approve of that? The ability to have both single player and multi?

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ah yeah I remember back in the day playing Battlespire online...ah DOS... :biggrin: It was pretty neat for the time, I think that was the first game I ever played online...and one of the first that was 3D heh


A multiplayer like that would be cool I suppose, like 4 per server or maybe even 8 like Diablo, but it will probably be a spinoff just like Battlespire was...it can't be the 5th game, I say it won't *insert certain words here*!!

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