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fallout 3 bows


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well after a giant nuclear war dont you think think that most people would resort back to bows, im mean we still use them today, and weapons then wouldnt be easy to find...

i think it would be fairly easy considering that oblivion and fallout use the same engine.. just i dont know how to port the needed files over to Fallout 3 from oblivion

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porting is very BAD! It would be cool to be able too, but there is a very long, although fair explanation about why porting is bad. By bad i mean highly illegal. But nothing is stopping anyone from making their own bow animations and etc. But trust me when i say porting is not allowed. That, and paying people to make mods. That is also very bad, but it is different story.
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the only porting allowed is from mods, Nothing from Vanilla Oblivion, the expansion or the DLC is allowed.



Wait, paying people to make mods is illegal? Wouldn't that be just a 'job'?


Anyways, you can just create your own bow models, animations, and ammo.


Paying people to make mods aren't illegal. It can be a 'job'. I think what Krimzin meant was it is a very BAD idea because you might get cheated out of your money, you might not get your expected 'product', it might even be in terrible quality.

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