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MOD IDEA! Fire Skeleton/Golem


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I myself have not delved into the world of mod-making, so let me first say from all of us who benefit from the creative endeavors of all you mod artists, THANK YOU so much for the fun and helpful tweaks and addins.


I just had an idea for a great Dragon Age mod that I have no idea how to create on my own, but thought I would throw it out there for any of you ambitious-types who might think you can pull it off. Someone might even have already come up with this idea, but I hadn't come across it.


THE IDEA: As much as I hated the Mage's Circle Tower and was thrilled when I finally beat it, I DID really enjoy the segment when I was able to switch between the burning skeletal warrior, the golem and the mouse. Now, I don't know how practical the mouse form would be in the rest of the game, but I'm wondering if it would be possible to create a mod that allowed you to have the ability you had during that segment - to be able to become that burning man with all the abilities and resistances that he had and the golem with all the abilities, etc. that he had - all on a whim. I could take or leave the mouse, but that is beside the point. I would just love to play with that ability at other parts of the campaign.


Any ideas? Comments?

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Type runscript zz_cir_debug and I actually think there's an option to teach you the forms. I remember playing around with it and I taught myself the forms before entering the Fade. I didn't play with it for long, so I can't tell you how well that works.
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I'm pretty sure that you can add the fade form morphing talents to your quickbar slots through console commands.




Haven't tried myself, but it should work, in theory.


Leave your first slot on the quickbar empty, that's where the talent is most likely to show up once you do its console command.


Save your game (not to mess it up, just in case) and try these commands with a character selected:


runscript addtalent 100080 (Golem)

runscript addtalent 100081 (Mouse)

runscript addtalent 100083 (Burning)

runscript addtalent 100084 (Spirit)


Edit: I just tested it, and it works fine. I had dog transform into a mouse. :] If it's possible through console commands it shouldn't be too hard to have a mod do the job for you.

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