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What Kinds of Mods do You Love to Download?

David Brasher

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its too bad you cant make Animation Mods like walking up and hugging someone like you can in Second Life. If you could se the avatars touch each other that would be the best mod ever.

My fav is fancy houses Companions romantic ones with a story line and Fancy clothes.

Sexillion and more kink aint so bad either!

Its really too bad the one kind of sexy adult thesemed mod out there I hear is in Jpanaese or something.

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The only mods I enjoy using are the ones that don't change anything other than graphics *IE RHeds or the like*

I like to make 'Oblivion' look better, but not play any different..

but some mods I do use are the ones that fix bugs, nothing more.. or mods that make the game more to my liking but nothing else *as in the alchemy ingredient sorter*


Sometimes I like using MMM... but OOO changes too much for my liking.. I use to LOVE OOO but I fell out of grace with it when I realized it changed too much for my liking - but MMM doesn't change anything other than NPCs, and the like - things that don't play any relevance in the plot other than to make the game more enjoyable.


Besides OOO uses MMM in its monster factions relations, so MMM without OOO, to me only, is a good install.

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I enjoy quest mods, especially when they include new content of any kind. I used to download just about any castle that looked large, now I get bored with them if they don't offer a little plot line. The only weapon mods I download are those that add to the leveled loot list. One of my biggest pet peeves was that the weapons all were the same after a while. Now a mod that would add leveled loot as you progress in the story, that would be a mod!


Just my two cents,


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Animations, Textures, Clothing (That I usually end up retexturing anyway!), clutter, themed homes (That I also seem to edit the hell out of), races for sure, and modder's resources that can help me make an improved game for my tastes.
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I like mods that add more depth to the world that already exists without really changing things so that they're unrecognizable. Mods that just polish the original game. This can be all sorts of mods from OOO to Better Cities to Unique Landscapes. Cliffworms is working on a mod right now that changes each city chapel to reflect whatever deity is worshiped there, instead of them being identical and bland...I'm so excited about it, heh. I check the thread everyday to see if there's any new progress.


I'm a sucker for house and clothing mods, too. :) House mods especially if they have interesting quests and are interactive.

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