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Another note on site security, your security, and a malware email doing the rounds


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You and the whole team do a great job of creating and (even more difficult) *maintaining* a truly useful, creative site. THANKS for all the hard work and thought that goes into making this a terrific place for everyone and anyone to improve their game, have more fun, explore others' creativity, share tips, learn new modding skills, and just generally make the internet a bit more awesome. Keep up the good work!
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Thank you for keeping the community informed, as well as managing this the best way possible. I think you're doing all the right things!




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It's a shame that this will always be a problem on the internet. People just can't leave nice things alone. Even something as innocent as downloading mods has become a hazard.


With that said, I'm very glad you guys are keeping us informed and are working on the situation.


I love Nexus Mods, and no amount of malicious files will stop me from loving it.


Keep up the good work, fellas!

Edited by Nacamahunt
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In response to post #15544105.

Seconded, with most of the gaming world going to hell, its all we can do to keep good old games alive at Nexus.... IT seems some individuals grudge us that as well.... Man some people really have issues if theyre gonna attack modding sites....:P
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Sounds like good news all around...! It also reminds me of when I first signed up for Nexus--far back in the mists of antiquity. All I can remember is that I had been doing a Google for files pertaining to some game or other--I honestly cannot remember which one--and I found a forum in which someone suggested I try the "Nexus" (whatever *that* was as it was new to me) and provided a link. To download the file or files that I wanted I recall having to "sign up," of course, and that went fine and I downloaded what I needed--but I also seem to recall ( it *is* hazy) never getting a confirmation email or anything else that let me know that I was indeed "registered," etc. A few months later I went back to the site for files relating to another game (the name of which I also cannot recall), and I was amazed that my original log-in ( I have personal algorithms for passwords that I use to keep things simple and *memorable*) still worked! And, it's worked ever since...!


You might get a kick out of this anecdote--I think this is funny--in the beginning, when the Nexus was an acorn compared to the towering oak it has become, I thought the guys running the site were *Japanese or Korean*--for some unearthly reason...! Lol! I think it was because as the site was mostly text in those days (IIRC), and I read some of the mod install instructions that were written in Pidgin English (by mod authors of obviously differing nationalities to my own US location--but they could speak/write English far better than I could speak their native tongues!)--I had this mental image of small-ish, very fast moving "Asians" running the Nexus site and doing everything--at super-speed...! The idea never bothered me in the least, but looking back on that time I really have to laugh at myself and some of my half-baked perceptions...;)


Anyway, I see all of this as The Price of Doing Business--or more accurately in the case of Nexus--The Price of Providing a Public Service freely available to an International audience. What makes a difference is the way that these situations are handled. Some companies and groups think that the less said and the more covered up, the better. Other companies prefer treating their audience as adults and going the informative, full-disclosure route. Thanks again for always treating me like an adult! It's refreshing in these days of folks moaning and crying about not having their hands held enough. Forewarned is forearmed, so thanks again for the heads up...;)


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