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Another note on site security, your security, and a malware email doing the rounds


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In response to post #15549630. #15553345, #15558010 are all replies on the same post.

"as long as you have a antivirus you should be fine" -> AV's aren't completely waterproof. There is a little vulnerability moment between a new virus (from scratch) to the update moment of the virus. Common sense in combination with good AV and a solid firewall should be enough. For firewall, it's that nothing enters your computers through different port which is left open - fe port 23 for Telnet (barely used anymore) - after using it in the past. Edited by xybolt
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In response to post #15555480.

It's all about transparency.

Everybody will know exactly what "not" to do, or he's risking getting banned for it as well. It's learning by example, learning by not making the same mistakes others made. If there's a misunderstanding about a rule's meaning and you think something you were going to do would be fine, then you see someone did the same and got warned or banned for it, better think twice.

You won't believe how many members still don't know what is acceptable commenting and what isn't, even after there's literally thousands of posts giving them prime examples of what really isn't and what inevitably is in store for them when they do the same.

And it's to nullify any claims about unrightfully being banned and moderators covering it up, when the proof of its rightfulness is plainly out there for everyone to read.
It's unbelievable how many violators cause a fuss on other websites for being banned from here "for no reason", when all it takes is a quick look into the banned section to see what it actually was the miscreant did and only shake your head in disbelief he even tried.

It's publicly accessible documentation of user misbehavior and moderator reaction to it, in all details for everyone clearly to see. The only things you don't see is the many "informal" communication and warning going on behind the scenes everytime "before" someone's name shows up inside there, unless the violation was too serious already that is.

Posts don't have kudos or like buttons on this site. A similar feature, the +/- reputation buttons, meant for self-moderation of a topic by its contributors, was abused too heavily in the past, up to the point where only troll posts remained visible in the topics and even a mod's authors could be "silenced" in their own comments by it, and had to be removed accordingly.

You can, however, go to Dark0ne's profile, I think it's the file site's one, and give him a kudos from this one. Unless you already did that, of course, as one can only ever give a kudos to another user "once", or take it away again.
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In response to post #15539130. #15541620, #15543885, #15552060, #15558080 are all replies on the same post.

They didn't get discovered before going live, of course, as they were uploaded to high-profile mod pages which already were live all the time, but it was only a few high-profile ones each, after all, and it was all done from the same hacked accounts.

As for a list of which mods were affected and during which time period the malicious files could be downloaded before it was found out and stopped, that should be rather thoroughly mentioned inside the previous news articles to the matter, as linked above:
http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12350 Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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"We're looking in to implementing a new feature for the site that will let you explore the file structure of archives before you download them, which will not only help with spotting things that shouldn't be in the archive before you download but also help you work out whether a mod is actually compatible with NMM or not."


Fantastic idea.

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Thanks again for the heads up on a common recurring internet problem. It is always nice to know that big brother is looking out for us...



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I thought you might want to know that I encountered a new problem today. Trying to open up a mod page, I was redirected to a website (downdimgdDOTcom) that claimed the webpage I had selected required me to have an updated version of java. There were several warning signs, namely the url of the website, so I got off of it and looked it up on scam adviser, and it had a 1% trust rating.
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