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Stupid HGEC!!!


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hey u only download it if u want so hush u. besides ur always free to do ur own mods if u want, oh and dont come bk whyning cuz u dont know how to make(if thats the case) mods thats ur problem. u can always ask the ppl that makes them. if theres isnt any they whyne cuz theres none when theres alot its cuz its to many dam u never freaking happy :wallbash: . just b happy that some ppl would give some of their time and patience to make all this mods for ungratefull ppl like u. :verymad: geez
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What does HGEC mean anyway?



Didn't someone answer this for you last week? It's an acronym and really nothing more than that at this point. There are so many variants that it actually only refers to the original base for mixing and matching purposes, and thus is almost meaningless. The original body was introduced to the modding community by Exnem and was called Exnem's Eye Candy. Then it was updated to a slightly more lean and petite version by Raiar (if I recall correctly) an Asian modder, and released as Hentai Gentleman's Eye Candy variant. It gained wide support, resulting in a wide range of clothing and armor choices, as it was largely backward compatible with the Exnem body, and that's how it became so popular. More clothing = more popularity = more support = more popularity = more clothing ... The variants come in realistically slender, athletic, voluptuous and bulky versions, to completely unrealistic fantasy versions, so it doesn't even make logical sense to kvetch about "hgec".

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I'll forever use Fantasy Figures...I like how the body is styled....and it has the two outfits I wear regularly...there's no other versions of it for other bodies.


Even for my body, I have problems finding clothing...because they normally just convert the skimpy clothing to my body. And when I do find a good medieval/lore friendly clothing, it's either horribly low quality or just doesn't look good on my character. I finally found good clothing for my character. It's pretty decent, very feminine but not showing too much skin




But I like some variety and this is only about what I can find.


You're not the only one, HGEC or not, that has problems. People make what they like and sadly most want bikini mail and thong armor.

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I'll forever use Fantasy Figures...I like how the body is styled....and it has the two outfits I wear regularly...there's no other versions of it for other bodies.


Even for my body, I have problems finding clothing...because they normally just convert the skimpy clothing to my body. And when I do find a good medieval/lore friendly clothing, it's either horribly low quality or just doesn't look good on my character. I finally found good clothing for my character. It's pretty decent, very feminine but not showing too much skin




But I like some variety and this is only about what I can find.


You're not the only one, HGEC or not, that has problems. People make what they like and sadly most want bikini mail and thong armor.


Though that was made for UFF (a very pretty body) it does work for anyone using HGEC as well. I use that myself for NPCs in my game.


I could actually debate "lore-friendly" but that's for another thread. Suffice to say Nirn is not earth, and the time and era is not 16th Century Britain.

Edited by myrmaad
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huh really? Coolies :) I love that outfit, it's just perfect. Hmm...well if there's a version of this armour for HGEC (just the daedric one), I might have to switch :P There's much more support than UFF now it seems...but I do see some new stuff pop up for it once in awhile





haha yeah well lore-friendly to an extent I guess...maybe ES friendly I don't know haha. I just think it fits well into the game world :)

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