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I have this one idea for future Site News posts...


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So, I'm glad that over time we are still being kept so consistently updated about the recent on-goings of the Nexus.

In exception with the two month pause in that. Which, in fact, made me start to miss it.


But that's also because I like to read stuff from time to time. Which brings the worry on the message of those posts being lost to those without the patience to fully read it.

And in the latest one, the one about overall security (our own, site, etc...) I do think it's important that as many people get informed about the basic safety practises suggested.


So for the people without the patience to read the lengthy (but well-written) posts, I would propose that on top of it (or wherever suitable) a "tl;dr" is placed that captures the points you want every reader or passer-by to at least grasp.


For example, the security post update could have had a tl;dr of

  1. Nexus never sends bulk email to update NMM, or at all even
  2. NMM install .exe is always signed with Black Tree Gaming Ltd. as the publisher
  3. Only download NMM from it's own download page

And so on and so forth. You get the idea.



EDIT: Hunh, I completely forgot the idea that this could have gone in the "Nexus feedback and talk" section...

Should I remake the topic there or can someone from Staff move it there if it belongs there?


I know that this sounds like were pampering to the lazy people.

But quite frankly, when it comes to site and personal security, I would deem it justified to just go that little extra mile just so even those are caught in a potential safety net.


That said, it would be silly to do this for every post in the future.

I personally only suggest this be done on topics that are extremely important and must be heard.


Your thoughts, gentlemen and gentle...ladies? I always botch that up.


EDIT: Hunh, I just noticed that this would have better gone in the "Nexus Feedback and Talk" section...

Should I remake the topic there or can someone from Staff move it if it belongs there?

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Okay, I guess I don't need to be told in any way that it's been moved. No less to a different section than I had in mind.

Thought someone had deleted it. Peachy.

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I like the idea of a Tl:Dr section on the news posts - though to be honest the people who don't read site news/rules/descriptions/readmes are just as unlikely to read the bullet point version as the longer more indepth posts but for the handful that start to read it and then get distracted or bored and don't finish it'd definitely be useful.

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I couldn't be mad at you, Ben. It's water under the bridge.


But yeah, even the small chance that a tl;dr causes some lazier people (I am using that word for lack of a better one in my mind, by the way)

to still get the important point of a message is well worth the (what I presume is small) effort.

We can't have a stance of "If people can't care to read these, they deserve to get infected by a Virus" because in the long turn of events that might harm us as well.

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