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What's your connection?


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What is the love that you love so that you continue to play video games? Is it lingering in the game mysteriously somewhere? Is it always just around the next corner? Do you have it near you or is it always just another step away?


What is the love that you love that keeps the warm fire of life burning inside you so you keep doing what you doing patiently until you find that love and add yourself to it until the day you add yourself to the pyre?

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Most cases its The EPICNESS that keeps me going for more, recently playing Zelda Twilight Princess for the gc-wii, a good story and awesome game play is what keeps me coming back for more aswell.


also replay value :thumbsup:

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That reads like the game fits my question too. Was Zelda written within an era when loves using of the pyre was part of life?


Edit: I had a mod that added Zelda's House to Morrowind and that is the only way I ever viewed it. So is it built with that era conditions possible?


Edit: Dragon Age has a scene where the dead are sent out in boats while the archers shoot arrows at the craft until they catch afire. Is Zelda theme era built in scenes of the past that fits along the life and times of the practices back when?


Edit: Dragon Age seems to be where my love is holding that part of my attention.

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If your interested here is a little trailer for it, it was a great game, any zelda game is :thumbsup: .


nostalgia of it all.


its a must have for the Wii or GC.



lol the trailers for it are really bad, doesn't show what its really like.

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i tought this was a thread about the internet connections....xD


I'm not sure but epicnes that can't be achived in RL is a very imporant factor for me too.



What a coincidence. I saw the words on my caller id, "COM SPONSORSHIP" I thought it was an Hosting web site. I answered and it was a group asking me to give them money to their charity. XD ha ha haaa no longer LOL just xD ing.

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