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Lol...it worked...


I think I need to get a texture and normal map on this because you can't actually see any depth in NifSkope (the door hole is impossible to see)


I'd better start UV mapping...*sigh*...




EDIT: When I UV map the roof for example, should I just mark a seam on the lines down the middle?

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Go into edit mode, select all the vertices/faces of what you want to UV map, hit 'U' to bring up the menu, and then you'll

see "Project from View (Bounds)" You can use that one to automatically generate a 'snapshot' UV map. This can be problematic

as the parts between sort of stretch the textures to make up the space, so it really depends on what you're doing.


Looking at it again I forgot how much space you have on the front parts of the roof, so

actually you do want some seams here too the stretching would be a little too noticeable.




The details are nice. The meshes that meet where the beams are sort of

clip through each other just a little, I'd make one slightly thinner than the other.

You can see it when you move it around.

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