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can someone addon to a mod


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Some people have seen the underground hideout mod. What i want to ask from someone is to like addon to it like more cool features more hidden rooms and spots like 1 or 2 new floors going under ground stuff like that> if anybody can do this for me that would be very nice ohh and the entrce to into it instead of the fallout shelter with the hatch in it this








if someone could addon to the underground hideout with my ideas thankyou a ton.

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pictures for the entrace below
















for addons like more hidden weapons in walls 1 or 2 more floors and instead of the spot with the water turn it into a jucusie or something like that and like more hidden rooms and on the new floors just like rooms that you think that would be cool and over all cooler whatever alse you think is cool and what you think you could add on to it to make it look cooler and more spots to put custom weapons on the wall and things like that and if you could a teleport to take me some where i can fight every type of monster and stuff.

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Unless the author explicitly stated that people can base new mods off of his work, one would have to get the author's permission to do so. Why not ask the author if he'll expand it?
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