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Armored Coat request


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Hi everyone!


I'm pretty new on the forums,even if it is years that i'm using the Nexus for my incurable Modia Flu.


I would like to make a request,don't worry i've read the "Request rules",i have searched for it and i din't find it(or the search engine function in a very odd way...)


I like Anti-heroes/Dark type characters:Thinks of Kain,Raziel,Dante,the Overlord,Chaos Space Marines ^^.


So all my mods tend to give a Dark/Gothic feel to my gaming experience.


Return of Shadows,some nice items from Apachii's Hero store,i even used at a time the Cannibal mod that allowed you to devour the souls of your victimes and loot there corpse for bones and meat to make unholy ingridients.


I've also used a great deal of Dark/Evil armors that i can find on the Nexus.


They are for the most part really great mods,but they doesn't really meet my wishes for my Character.


For now i use the Dread armore greaves,boots,gauntlets with Apachii's Rocker Coat and Shaman Wig,Berserker Skull amulet+the Loki twohander,and the Book belts to add a little extra touch.


It almost satisfy me but,because there's a but...the coat even if i like it,and even with the other pieces from the Dread armor doesn't feel completly well for a Dark Knight.


Its nice but i have a feeling of uncompleted.


Thats why i would like to ask if someone could make a Armoured Coat merging:Beowulf's chain mail with a Dark version of This DMC coat, with on the rigth shoulder/arm this Armoured arm but with a skull+spikes on the shoulder a bit like Hellborne Berserker armor.


I know its some heavy work(or maybe not i don't know),it migth even be a challenge,but if someone could do it,i really will be thankfull.


So the list of mods that inspired this.


Apachii's Heroes Store-Beowulf Armore

DMC Dante's Coat-the DMC 3 version i would like if possible.

Armoured Arms-i rather go with the Mythicdawn one,if it is possible to had a skull it will be great,if not then the Mythic dawn will do.


Thank you every one,and for those who migth be interessted...lets see it as a challenge^^,if you succed you will enter in the legend!! :thanks:



To give you an idea i made a little editing with Paint.



No with black coat in place of red.

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Well it seems thats despite the challenge provided no one is interessted...


Ho well if someone could point me to a tutorial to mix divers objects together,i will try it...even if there is a sligth chance that i make my computer blow up(i'm not even able to make a proper event on RPGMaker Xp without the thing crashing so...)

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I think there was something similar requested not long ago and a link to a mod was provided (i'll try to get it), but here's a tutorial on how to combine vanilla armor meshes into new armors, so you can do make int the way fou fancy the most (it's not as good as modeling a new mesh but it will work ;) ) Link


EDIT: ok i found the threat, it was just on page three :) Someone pointed out this mod Armored Coats

I know that's not what you are acctualy looking for but i think it's the closest.



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Thanks for the Link.


And even if it isn't what i want thanks for the mod link,i allready stumbled across a similar one...those armore are terrible looking in my taste,that's why i don't use them.


I will give a try to mod this new coat neverless,even if i allready know that it won't be a piece of cake...but oh well the Cake is a lie anyway... :whistling:

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Ok so itryed to work it out with Nifskope.


Here is what i was able to do so far.



It doesn't look bad for a first time :whistling:


But for some reason when i try to copy the Armored armguard to it i receive this error...



So it says that it can't map the parent link of the nod Bip0 1 R finger0..,i've checked in the Nod list there isn't any freakin R finger strip in it!!


So i don't know if it needs to have one,or if it is better that there is none,but it unables me to paste the armguard because of this.


Si if there was anyone who have a suggestion.


Also once i've done that to have it in-game what exactly do i have to do?

I've checked on the tutorial i don't see anything that tells me how to do...,do i use OMOD or what?


EDIT:Silly me...i've completly forgot the CS tool...


Well i will look at the CS tutorial to see how to add this item and make a .esp out of it.


If you guys wish to use this armor,just ask,i will first ask permission from Apachii to upload this.

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Ok so after i've checked the CS wiki,i din't find any tutorial or clue as to how change/add a nif file to/into a .esp file...


The CS tools seems to only add esp files but not create them...


Maybe i'm wrong with this assumption but thats how i see it,so if i'm wrong pleaze tell me what i need to use to create a esp file to add this...

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Ok after much experiencing i finaly managed to do it!!!


It's official...i'm a Modder!!! :cool:







There still somethings that i can\t really figure out,i tried to add spikes on the armoured shoulder but they disapear once in game and things like this.


But neverless i'm really satisfied at how relatively easy it was(i imagined that it would be waaaay more difficult),i even thougt that i was messing around with the Spore or Champions Online char editor ^^(a shame that Nifskope isn't easy and flexible as those...for a noob i mean)


So what do you think?,is good or terrible?,personnaly i really like it and maybe its a first step into modding ^^.

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