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Armored Coat request


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Thanks ^^,my first Kudo ^^(i must have really impressed you to have one ^^)


Now a big question...how do i edit the Thread title?


Because its not a request anymore,and once i've asked the concerned modders from wich i leeched the items i will make a release of it for those who's interessted.

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Just to clarify, my kudo was given because you actually dared to try to mod and that deserves high accolades, as well as I actually liked the combination you used. I usually do my own mashing.


Just make your new relz thread when you're ready, and then link to this one in it, as the WIP (work in progress) thread. I wouldn't worry too much about this title. I don't think the title matters, you can quickly read through and catch up.

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Ok thank you.


So i send PM's to Apachii and JoJo for there authorisation to use there meshes and textures,once i've got it i will upload this little mod.


I've allready made a package with the needed folders and the .esp.


Also this mod require Apachii's Heroes Mod to work,i tried to found the differents textures that i used,but they arn't named the same as the meshes so it would take hours to find them and i don't know of a way to preview the dds files to be sure...


I also use a piece of the Gauntlets from JoJo's Dread Knight Mod,those textures where easy to find so they are included in the package.


So you only need Apachii's Heroes Store(its so awesome that you HAVE to have it anyway...),this piece of armor can be found in the Best Defense shop,its a heavy armor,unchanted.


I still have some clipping issues in one or two places that i can't resolve for now,but they are very tiny you barely see them.


The last version of the Dark Armored Coat




The little,tiny,punny,barely seen clipping issue that i mentioned...


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Download this tool and it will solve your problems, (it's very bad form to rely on someone else's mod, especially a huge mod to support a tiny little remix/mash like yours.)




Let me know if you have trouble running it or don't understand right off how to use it. You will come to realize how indispensable it is, even for seasoned modders.


And by the way, you should be able to see the texture's name and path address in Nifskope.

Edited by myrmaad
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Thanks for the kind words ^^


But i barely did anything,i just figured out how to drag n' drop others meshes...nothing incredible there.


And i could do more,but some of my experiments din't go well...(missings stuffs,meshes in places where they din't have to be...)


But still thanks ^^,i welcome the Welcome :thanks:

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Ok so some updates!


I've finaly managed to "nearly" get rid of the clipping issues with my Armored Arm coat.



The missing mesh on the mail is caused by the hairs of the wig transparency,so no panic there isn't any clipping.missing textures in this area.


This armor is a medium-heavy that occupies body and hand slot.


So for those who wants to use gauntlets i made this version that only use the body slot.



This one is a heavy armor,it uses Jojo's Dread knight spauldrons


For those who likes the coat but are more od the sneaky ones,a Shadow Coat!



Its a light armor using one of Apachii's other armor meshes,the Shadow suit,wich is a retex of the DB armor.



And i also made a "little" custom sword for my char.


The Chaosbearer.



This twohander uses Jojo's dread claymore hilt meshe with the Chaos Eater blade from Darksiders,a ressource i found on the Nexus.


I just replaced Jojo's blade with the Chaos eater,this way i still have the flames and particles effects.


I also added a little extra special effect.

A red magical aura circle.



And its animated!!,the outer circle turn clockwise and the inner circle turn in the other way!




Damn i look good with this sword!!


I will try to make other things,like a skull mask/helm,and tweaking a bit the things i've allready done this far.


See y@

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Thanks L33nexus.


And yes Jojo's stuff have real nice textures and meshes.


So i've tried in vain to make a Skull mask using Apachii's Ren's Black Horned Shaman Wig(the one you can see on my char)


So i tried to scale up the little skull on the wig and replace it so that it covers partially the face like this:





But the problem is that i'm unable to have it done right once in game...


Or else the head is missing and the wig+mask are horisontal...


Or else it doesn't even appear...


Its been 3 days that i try to figure out what did i do wrong unsuccesfull...


I know i managed to do the coat i had requested myself in the end,and even the sword,but on this one i like to have some help or if someone could do it for me,i will aprricate it.


This way i will have a sample for maybe other masks with differents hairstyles.


Also is it logical that when i try to add a meshe that wasn't on a chest part at first,it doesn't appear?,like a skull i tried to add a skull on the chest of my coat armor,but once in game it doesn't appaear...


Are parts that wasn't from the same body parts impossible to mix?

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