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How Do You Play?


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As of right now, my two toons.. Diamynd and Raiv play sneak/stealth style.. Diamynd is a sniper specialist, and Raiv is a melee assassin.. but im thinking of starting a new Heavy toon.. PA and Heavy weapons specialist.. to change things up.. i always play steath classes.. so this may be interesting lol..
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I forgot one thing. I always learn Lockpick and Science (in F3 it's very useful). The higher the better :) I never use Steal and Pickpocket in F3, but in F1 and F2 I just couldn't live without it :) Are there more ways to get money in F3 than in earlier parts?
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Yes, there are a number of ways of getting caps. Blood ties is a pretty easy quest to complete, just lots of mind numbing trekking, and you can sell all bloodpacks for 15 caps a piece. Furthermore, very close to the Family is Northwest seneca station where you can sell sugarbombs for 30 apiece with a speech check (save/reload) or 15 if you don't like scumming. There are a lot of sugar bombs and you can get a lot of money with 30 apiece.


If you have the DLCs, it might be a good idea to head straight to do operation anchorage (its pretty close to megaton) and take in all the gear there; great weapons/armor so that you don't really have much of a need for caps.


Remember you can trade in scrap metal for 10 apiece too, even if you want good karma it's more cost efficient to give purified water to beggars.


the arlington library isn't TOO far from megaton either (west side of potomac at least) and you get 100 caps per prewar book, which is quite a hefty sum. Try the houses in minefield for a handful of books in the early game, plus minefield has a ton of valuable mines to collect and sell.


you can also try getting to paradise falls early so you can start mezzing people early and often (arkansas in minefield, lugnut, a few others are guaranteed mezzable otherwise its random but nevertheless profitable).


stealing from the safes in the tenpenny tower shops isn't very difficult, each will net you a few hundred caps although it will also make the merchant leave forever. Note that there is a robot bartender. With robotics expert, I think, you can program him to give you a HUGE discount. only carries a few hundred caps but you can just stash a bunch of stuff in a nearby trashcan and get 100% profit every couple of days.


that's all early game of course. at high levels, with maxed repair skills, you get absurd amounts of money from fully repaired weapons/armor. when you're wiping out a raider camp, it's not a bad idea to take back a few suits of fully repaired raider armor, heavy as it is.

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And how about pre-war money (can be found everywhere)? Maybe there is a merchant or somebody who can buy those green papers for higher price?
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My playstyle changed a lot because of several reasons.


During my first two play throughs i was always very nice, saved and rescued everyone and used to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for everyone. Speak... a saint par excellence.

In combat I was always straight forward. Surprising the first enemy with a sneak attack and then go in guns blazing.


Now I am using Fallout Wanderers Edition and this mod changes the game mechanics a lot. Now I am veeery sneaky and I love my sniper rifle. Nothing is more fun than taking out a raider outpost from a huge distance by taking them out one by one before they even realise where it comes from.

I also suddenly think that using mines and bottlecap mines is a good idea. Planting tons of mines and then making the enemy running into them is just as much fun as sniping.


And I am more a drifter and way more egoistic now. I don´t feel the need to rescue anyone. At some point I was just pissed of by people in Fallout 3. You just saved their lives or, wasting ammo and gear for maybe thousands of caps and risking your life and then people hand over 100 caps with a graciousness like they just gave you the freaking Koh-i-Noor diamont. And in the next second they give you the "Yes, it´s locked for a reason!" speech...

And the brotherhood is even better! They want you to risk your life because they are too stupid to find a book. In a library. An after you milled through an whole army of supermutants they give you a small tip and tell you not to waste it for drugs...


Now I am not really a bad guy but way more selfish. I do nothing for free. I think it is fun to watch a brotherhood patrol fight to the last breath so I can finish of their battered enemies, loot their corpses and sell their dog tags to the brotherhood. I sneak into the rivet city marketplace and take everything whats not nailed down and sell it back to the merchants the next morning. Just to rob them again in the following night. And pick-pocket the ammo from a brotherhood soldier while he is fighting a horde of mutants is always a great source of entertainment. Hey, I needed that ammo! Just pay me fairly for my services next time... might cost you some caps but will certainly save you some soldiers. :D

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I think it is fun to watch a brotherhood patrol fight to the last breath so I can finish of their battered enemies, loot their corpses and sell their dog tags to the brotherhood.


Now I play in the same way. I just let them die as much as possible, then collect their holotags. It's a great opportunity to get caps :) By the way, Brotherhood people have lots of weapons and ammo, and their power armors are fine.

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