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Save Shianni


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Can someone PLEASE make a mod where you can actually save Shianni before she is raped? I cannot stand the fact she just gets it and you can't do anything to save her in time and it sets me on fire.


If you can't make a mod that saves her please make a mod that allows me to torture the arl's son for raping shianni.


I must have vengeance!!!!

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Doesn't the script say you save her from being raped, and that The Arls son and his mates just rough her up before they have their way with her? I may be wrong... :unsure:
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No, she gets raped.. It pisses me off how you cannot stop him in time or that there is no control over it.. It happens no matter what... Really sets me on fire, so anyone who could mod this out so you can A. Get to shianni before she is raped, and B. Torture Vaughan so you can hear his screaming and suffering, watching him bleed painfully, etc.


Then I will thank you and be at peace.. I know it's just a game but I get worked up over there things and I don't feel satisfying just killing him. I want him to suffer and I want to see it happen and hear it too.

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hmmmm from the sounds of it, it sounds like this particular character is a plot device that is needed later on in the game.

granted...I dont have the skills for this, but it would be possible to create a custom cutscene that could trigger a fight. And then set the flags so that when he "dies" it triggers another cutscene where he would say... get up and run away. Very similar to the scenes like hwere you are given the choice to kill Zevrahn and Loghain or let them live.


In that way, the rape could be prevented, and the character would still be there later on and not break the plot sequence (Ie break the game).

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