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Issues with Streamline and various other mods


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I've been having issues with getting the Streamline menu to pop up, and am really unsure if it's even working. I installed version 3.1 as the instructions said, enabled the mod in OBMM, went into the game, hit ctrl+home and didn't get the menu to pop up. If I open up the console, I can see "Streamline attempting to initiliaze" and then "Streamline has detected OBSE v17, initializing". Nothing happens passed that point, however. Nextly, I've been having an issue with vanilla Oblivion where this black window briefly flashes on the entire far right side of my screen. I have reinstalled multiple times and haven't had any luck. Also, should I replace Streamline 3.1 with something else, seeing as it was discontinued back in 2008 I believe?


Next, I'll be using various graphic/environment enhancing mods in conjunction; UL Full Compilation+Compilation Patch, Natural Environments, Beaming Sunglare(and possibly god rays), and Qarl texture pack to name a few. Do you guys have any recommendations for some other ones I perhaps haven't heard of? I would do character/NPC enhancing ones, but to be honest, I have no idea which ones yield the best results/don't conflict together even after researching. More than welcome to recommend some, though! ;)


Lastly, I had DarkUID and some custom load screens before, but they seemed to not function properly. My inventory and menus had options/items that had letters which were too big and seem to spill out of their space. I read something in the readme about going into the .ini and changing font sizes, but it specifically said that was for addon stuff, which I clearly didn't have installed. As for the load screens, they worked.... sometimes. Other times, it was just a plain vanilla load screen, which was quite annoying. Any help or suggestion of a better load screen replacing mod?


Edit: Oh, and what's this business with LOD, Grass without Tiling, Normal Maps, and chucks mod for ATI cards? Do I need of these considering that the other mods I was going to get, or do they change those things already? I have the most up to date version of Catalyst with a newer ATI card. I don't trust the catalyst control panel though, the changes don't seem to stick, so enabling AA in that isn't idea of chucks can do the job.

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Streamline makes changes to your visuals on the fly in game. That means that if you try to use any visual enhancing mods, streamline will probably negate them. What it does do is allow people with weak computers to trade visual effects for FPS in game. So, if you set your minimum FPS at 30, it will lower any visual effect it can to attain that 30 FPS. So suddenly NPCs are appearing at 5 feet away from nowhere. You will not see a fort until you almost run into it, arrows will be hitting you from nowhere, Grass will become rare. But you will be seeing 30 FPS. Any LOD will be entirely missing! Then when you stop moving, your vision gradually moves out until you can see things in the middle distance again.


V3.1 is a beta (unfinished) version, and will never be finished as the maker has vanished. v3.0 is more stable and has fewer bugs.


With any reasonably powerful computer Streamline is not needed. If you can get around 20 FPS normally, with small drops in some places, but can see attackers before they start to attack, that will allow a good experience.


Anytime you are troubleshooting a mod first disable streamline so you can see what happens without Streamline restricting your visuals. As streamline changes many of your visual settings, you must then go into the options screen and set the visual components manually. Of course, if you are troubleshooting Streamline you don't disable it.


For more help with a slow game see my article 'Fixing a Slow Game' http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=255

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Ahhh... I understood that, but I also thought it did other useful things to optimize it besides lowering settings, like what it does with the buffer/memory. Anyway, I haven't noticed any drops in quality, and have noticed a slight increase in fps and stability, namely because as you said, it won't do it till that "30 fps" mark, which I rarely hit, usually in the 40-60 range. In any case, I'm still wondering if someone knows what is happening with my Streamline and why I can't bring up the menu in game, along with any suggestions or comments on the mods I mentioned above.


Edit: Oh, and silly me. Ignore my second post above... Hadn't realized I didn't mention the black window appearing. Basically what the problem is though is that while playing completely vanilla oblivion(aside official mods), I've noticed a black window appearing at the right side of my screen. It goes the entire vertical length of the screen, and takes up about 1/8 horizontal-wise. As mentioned, recording my game-play with fraps did not capture the abnormality, everything appeared just as it should. The window appears randomly during game-play, no isolated event could single it out so far as I saw. It flashes very quickly, almost as though it were trying to show through the Oblivion window. I can have no background programs and it still occurs. I'm going to disable the official mods sometime to see what happens, but on the off chance anyone here has heard of such a glitch, please let me know! ;)

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I don't like Streamline. I tried it last week and took it off after only one day. I wanted Streamline because my game was slow and laggy. After I got Streamline, it was slow, laggy, looked terrible, and all the video controls I was used to no longer functioned. It could actually slow down my game even more by saving unnecessarily. You have to read like ten pages of tech and spend lots of time tinkering with .ini files. I think I will just keep saving up money to replace my obsolete two-year old computer.
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I don't like Streamline. I tried it last week and took it off after only one day. I wanted Streamline because my game was slow and laggy. After I got Streamline, it was slow, laggy, looked terrible, and all the video controls I was used to no longer functioned. It could actually slow down my game even more by saving unnecessarily. You have to read like ten pages of tech and spend lots of time tinkering with .ini files. I think I will just keep saving up money to replace my obsolete two-year old computer.

Mmmk, so from the sounds of it, I'll just skip out on Streamline then. I wouldn't mind knowing why I can't get into the menu, though, or why it gets stuck at Initializing. Can anyone help me out with my other questions, though?

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Oh, and if anyone knows of a mod which can force the Oblivion day length to match that of real-time, please let me know, as I plan on doing vampire. I've searched around, but only found something that most people said didn't even work, and it was pretty dated at that.
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Ahhh... I understood that, but I also thought it did other useful things to optimize it besides lowering settings, like what it does with the buffer/memory. Anyway, I haven't noticed any drops in quality, and have noticed a slight increase in fps and stability, namely because as you said, it won't do it till that "30 fps" mark, which I rarely hit, usually in the 40-60 range. In any case, I'm still wondering if someone knows what is happening with my Streamline and why I can't bring up the menu in game, along with any suggestions or comments on the mods I mentioned above.


Edit: Oh, and silly me. Ignore my second post above... Hadn't realized I didn't mention the black window appearing. Basically what the problem is though is that while playing completely vanilla oblivion(aside official mods), I've noticed a black window appearing at the right side of my screen. It goes the entire vertical length of the screen, and takes up about 1/8 horizontal-wise. As mentioned, recording my game-play with fraps did not capture the abnormality, everything appeared just as it should. The window appears randomly during game-play, no isolated event could single it out so far as I saw. It flashes very quickly, almost as though it were trying to show through the Oblivion window. I can have no background programs and it still occurs. I'm going to disable the official mods sometime to see what happens, but on the off chance anyone here has heard of such a glitch, please let me know! ;)


Turn off your side bar program, and run Oblivion in full screen, not windowed, mode.

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Oh, and if anyone knows of a mod which can force the Oblivion day length to match that of real-time, please let me know, as I plan on doing vampire. I've searched around, but only found something that most people said didn't even work, and it was pretty dated at that.



set timescale to <qty>


sets the speed of how fast time advances in-game


Default value is 30. Setting the value to 1 will make time advance at the same rate as the real world. Setting value to negative will reverse time, but will turn the clock to negative values if allowed to past midnight.


Altering the value of timescale can cause bugs to occur during various quests (e.g., A Brush with Death, Where Spirits Have Lease). Resetting timescale to the default value of 30 fixes the bugs.

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I've ran into a few major problems with my first few new mod installations. Whenever I kill a goblin, the corpse turns green, and I'm sure it probably does it for other mobs as well. Looked around and someone had said renaming MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa would fix the problem with goblins turning green upon death, but I had no such luck. ;(. I fixed the issue with the black window thanks to Qwax, though. ;D I also have had 2 CTD's, couldn't isolate them to any specific event, and for some reason when casting my spell(restoration, the only one I have atm. ;p), it will play the spell sound and then randomly not play it, then play it again after repeated times of casting it to get it to come back.


Other than that, I can't seem to get assigning my restoration spell to a hotkey to work. Not sure if this is because of my own noobishness or not, but I hit tab, go to the spell, hold down the hotkey I wanna use and bring up the wheel, and then select the spell. It puts it into the wheel slot for hotkey number '2', but whenever I tried casting in game, it didn't work. I checked OBMM for conflicts, and got this:


As you can see, I installed OOO+MMM+Frans+FCOM. Followed the steps on the FCOM guide, did the "rebuild patch" and all that. Hopefully someone can throw out a few scenarios for why these conflicts occurred so I can troubleshoot?


Update: Seems that walking up to the bandits right outside of the sewer at the start of the game causes a CTD after doing so twice. Not sure what the other one was from where I was in the heartland. Also found out that some of the lootable safe boxes don't function either, become highlighted with purple. Not sure if this has any relation to anything, but I found a large area of valleys up in some snowy mountains that seemed like completed zones, but had no wildlife, and then eventually found the edge of the world and fell off. ;p Anyway, I'll continue researching my issues, I've already found some useful stuff for future mods I intend to get and a few other things besides, hopefully one of the folks here knows a thing or two about my situation.

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