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Weird bug in Oblivion CS.


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So I was doing a litle landscape editing that included shaping a mountain slope into a canyon.As a result a number of rocks (now that the ground beneath them was lowered) was left floating in the air.No problem I thought,I just have to load the area in CS and delete the rocks from the cell view window.I had done this before with no problem.I select the cell and....I discover that the rocks are no longer present in the cell window!Also they are not visible in the render window.When I loaded the game the rocks were there floating in the air.How is this possible?Is there any way to remove the rocks?

Edited by Medtech
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Which of the plugins/mods in your load order is adding them, if they apparently aren't coming from the Oblivion.esm loaded when you load your plugin?

Deleting them won't work, or is frowned upon, but if you load your mod alongside the plugin/masterfile they're coming from as its parent, you can move them below ground and when your mod loads later than the one they're coming from, you won't see them ingame anymore.

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Thanks for the reply.Shortly after I posted my question I came to think that since I was editing a TWMP area of Tamriel (Skyrim) then perhaps the missing rocks had as source the Tamriel landscape pack.When I activated it in the CS the rocks appeared.Problem solved.



Uh...why is it frowed upon to delete them?

Edited by Medtech
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Thanks for the reply.Shortly after I posted my question I came to think that since I was editing a TWMP area of Tamriel (Skyrim) then perhaps the missing rocks had as source the Tamriel landscape pack.When I activated it in the CS the rocks appeared.Problem solved.



Uh...why is it frowed upon to delete them?


Thank you for the reply.Since the mods (Tamriel Lansdcape pack and others) I used is essential for the mod I am making I do no think that will be any crashes in the future (since I will not delete them or my mod will be affected).I run into another problem now though.Some rocks even when they were deleted still appear in game....And I cannot do anything in the CS since the rocks are no longer present as items in the cell.Any advice will be appreciated.

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