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Creation Kit Accident


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Hello, while I was using the CK I accidentally did something pretty bad.


I deleted the NorRmSmWallSide02 file in the object window, which erased every instance of it throughout the game.


I have un/reinstalled the game and the CK but this has not fixed the issue, it remains deleted.


Now I could just go through every instance of it in the game and fill in the missing wall sections with NorRmSmWallSide02ice or another wall piece altogether and forget it ever existed, however this would make it so that any instances of that wall piece in further mods I download off of nexus or anywhere else will be lacking it as well.


Is there any way at all I can restore it to use in the CK? (Perhaps if I copied it off of someone else's game and moved it into mine?) That way, although a lot of tedious work, I could at least make everything good as new again.



Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.

Edited by TheAssassin711
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Hm, you could make a backup of your mod and t hen try loading the CK, setting your mod as active, and before actually opening it, click the "details" button. This will bring a list of all of the changes you've made in your mod. Look to see if you can find a record of that piece of architecture having been deleted, and if so, click it and press "delete" on your keyboard. This will tell the CK to ignore the changes you made to that particular item. Then open your mod as usual, and save after it's done loading. I do that sometimes when I make a mistake, and it usually works alright :)

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Thank you, that actually worked!


NorRmSmWallSide02 now works properly just as it should, I will still have to go through every nordic dungeon in all of Skyrim and re-add the missing piece, but thankfully the CK logs every past ocurrence of an object so it will just be a matter of scrolling through that list.


Bethesda Support also got back to me and said that my copy idea should in theory work, but I do not know if that would replace all the missing walls throughout the game or not; if it doesn't then your way of doing it is much more efficient.



EDIT* After a few more times loading up the CK the game actually recognizes NorRmSmWallSide02 at all of its previous coordinates again, so it looks like I won't have to replace them all manually after all. Thanks lol, you may have just saved me about 5 hours of unnecessary work. :wink:


(I will however have to ditch the current plugin, though I may simply be able to copy/paste all of my work into a new one and it will no longer register that at all, wish me luck lol.)

Edited by TheAssassin711
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you shouldn't have to ditch it, just clean it with Tes5edit and it will remove all identical to masters.

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