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Simple (?) VATS request


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Hey all, I have a request for a simple mod to VATS, or at least I think it should be simple.

One of the things that annoys me to no end is that if you queue up a bunch of shots in VATS

and engage then the enemy runs out of Line of Sight, say behind a barrier, then you are

forced to keep firing and blow the rest of the Action Points while firing directly into a wall or such.

Heaven forbid you are firing something like a missile launcher...8P

I'd like to see a Mod for VATS that either automatically stops firing when an opponent runs out

of sight or at least allows you to hit a button to escape VATS. Is this possible? Or am I missing

something that is already in the game?


Thanks for any and all help.

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I like the idea of a VATS that keeps going till you hit a designated button (ie left mouse)

I wanna be able to keep watching that raider i've smashed off the roof of a building in slow mo till he hits the ground instead of it cutting out 2 seconds after i've killed him

but I dunno how that would work with multiple targets


would be cool thou

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I looked over the Bullet-time mod and while its nifty its not really what I'm looking for.

A simple <esc> key to cancel the vats shooting would be easiest, but a version that actually automatically

stops the action when the target runs out of LoS would be better. And for multiple targets if the first target

runs out of LoS then have VATS swap to the new target and click off the actions there. It would still save

up those APs.

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So no takers? Bummer...8(

Would really like to see a simple mod for this.


This isn't a "simple" mod at all. Needs lots of scripting. A "simple" mod would more like an armor retex or add 5000 buffouts in megaton locker. If you really like it to be done, I suggest PM those top scripters and hope that they agree on your concept. Try searching top 100 gameplay changes mods, then PM the authors.

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