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Sarah Lyons Nekkid HELP


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Hi all, I've recently installed an armor Mod which I had no idea would do this but as it turns out it has left Sarah Lyons naked .... I dont want this .... I tried rectifying the error but have

discovered that my backup Mesh and Texture files were messed up .... I need to clothe her again .... is there a Mod that restores the female clothing or armor ?

Your help would be appreciated .... thanks.

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Absolutely correct, I'm using "Dimonized races", but I never had this hassle before, it's only since I installed "Tesla Armor for girls".

Nevertheless, the damage is done and now I need to undo it .... I have checked out the BOS Mods but they're not helping.

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If you're talking about right after the MQ finishes, then evilneko above is correct. It sounds like you might be talking about all the time. I don't know what would cause that but have you tried something like SCC or Groovatron to just put some other armor in her inventory?
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