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High rez skins and some clothing mod help..


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Probably a stupid question but I'll try it anyway.. I can run oblivion ok for the most part but when I installed some clothing mods from hentai and desuchan they lag the heck out of me when I equip them, takes a bit of spam clicking to take them off.


I installed the high rez skins also and whenever im..well, naked, I also lag. I admit my computers not the best but it's weird that I suffer from such lag due to some select clothing mods and stuff.

Is there a way to lessen/fix it?


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On what setttings do you run oblivion? If you can run it only with small textures and other settins disabled or set to low, it means that the custom textures are too big for your computer to handle.(they are not shrunk as the onther textures present in the game) for your computer to handle.
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