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No psychic people mod?


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Since for me at least, in the vanilla game if you kill someone in a city with a silenced weapon and a 1 hit kill and are hidden, everyone automatically turns hostile against me the moment the person I attacked dies, even though I was never detected when I killed them. I tried to look for a mod like this, but nothing came up. I guess it would be like a Fallout version of the no psychic guards mod for Oblivion.

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I know one exists, but I forgot it's name as I use it in a merged file along with a truckload of other fixes I think are essential. So I can not help you locate it but it exists and I got it here on Nexus.


If you feel brave though you can make a quickfix yourself if you know how FO3Edit works: copy every faction you want into a blank .esp file and then remove the "track crime" entries, save your esp, put it below your merged patch and that's all there is to it.


Now people will still turn hostile if they see you kill someone and the news will still spread around town quickly BUT if say you follow an npc to his/her house, door is closed and no witnesses are around you can slice their throat in their sleep if you're the assassin type of player or simply bash their brains in if you're more the bully type, then sneak out and parade into town without anyone giving you the slightest of problems.

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I know one exists, but I forgot it's name as I use it in a merged file along with a truckload of other fixes I think are essential. So I can not help you locate it but it exists and I got it here on Nexus.


If you feel brave though you can make a quickfix yourself if you know how FO3Edit works: copy every faction you want into a blank .esp file and then remove the "track crime" entries, save your esp, put it below your merged patch and that's all there is to it.


Now people will still turn hostile if they see you kill someone and the news will still spread around town quickly BUT if say you follow an npc to his/her house, door is closed and no witnesses are around you can slice their throat in their sleep if you're the assassin type of player or simply bash their brains in if you're more the bully type, then sneak out and parade into town without anyone giving you the slightest of problems.

Is there a tutorial on how to do this? Because all I can really do is make very minor edits in GECK, and I've never used FO3Edit.

Edited by Uerame
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