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Oblivion in Fallout 3


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Well because Oblivion and Fallout 3 are made by the same people you could do a vault with a thing like in Vault 112 (I think that's the vault) and instead of Tranquility lane it could be Cyrodiil or part of it. (Anyone with Oblivion and Fallout 3 could do this quite quickly. So you're in Oblivion, but with your pip boy 3000 and guns.
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Well because Oblivion and Fallout 3 are made by the same people you could do a vault with a thing like in Vault 112 (I think that's the vault) and instead of Tranquility lane it could be Cyrodiil or part of it. (Anyone with Oblivion and Fallout 3 could do this quite quickly. So you're in Oblivion, but with your pip boy 3000 and guns.


You mean like a virtual reality area for you to roam around? But is same as Cyrodil? Would be pretty cool. Nice idea, but by the time this is done, I think Fallout New Vegas or Elder Scrolls V would already be out.

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Anyone who would take on such a venture would have to build the world from the ground up. Bethesda expressly prohibits the use of one game's structure in another be it Oblivion, Final Fantasy or Halo. This prohibition does not restrict a mod from being created just as long as there is no original Bethesda content.




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I think you would have to do some heavy work on the game engine to get guns and your pipboy working in Oblivion. Other game mechanics would probably be broken too (damage for one).


And of course all the meshes would have to be converted . . .


It would be a good deal of work.

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Not to be a stick in the mud, but it is illegal to cross port Oblivion and Fallout 3. You would only be able to release the mod by word of mouth. It might be easier to get some custom tilesets that are themed to Oblivion, then ask the creator if it is cool to port.


You could also then make weapons that were non-projectile, just using meshes and textures to look similar to Oblivion.


All in all this sounds like a great project, check out the list of modder's resources. I don't have my bookmarks uploaded to my comp (just did a wipe). I will post back an edit later if nobody links to the site before me. Sorry in advance. I know that there is a great list out there.



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