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Altering Silver Weapon Damage help


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Ok, so I have seen a ton of tutorials on making newish weapons, and spells and various other things but I want to alter the current in game silver weapon. I thought hey I used to mod Ultima Online and write a ton of code for it this should be a peace of cake. Yeah that was a pretty arrogent thought lol.


What I am trying to do is make the base weapon damage for non undead to 10, i am pretty sure this part I can do. Since silver not the best of weapon materials... Though against undead i want it to add a extra 40 damage, bringing the total damage for the weapon vs undead to 50. I would also like to add an effect proc chance that maybe a bit rare where it can burst the skeleton into white flamed fire. (White flame may not be possible with out some type fo graphics knowledge so I would settle for regular fire) I would not want this to be a every other hit proc but once in a while would be kind of neat. The final part that I am wanting to add is so that if a vampire or werewolf character attempt to equip it they would take damage and be unable to use the item. This part I think I can find a tutoiral on i would be willing to bet, but the silver effect part I could not.


My eventual goal is to mode the weapons to be better or worse against certain creature types, but since I am new i wanted to just start with the silver sword. Than work my way up to say maces having a increased crit chance vs undead, and do extra damage to mechanical were as daggers would obviously be less effective vs undead etc. Giving players maybe a excuse to carry around multiple weapon types.


ANYWAY, I appreciate any help that you guys could give thanks!

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pretty simple really find the silver weapon then where is says damage rating change it to 10 and for the silver damage to undead and werewolves you see the papyrus script area to the right bottom click edit properties and then from there look for the damage property and change it to 40 instead of 20 that is all you need to do then click ok and ok again then in game it will be changed. and dont forget to save your work before closing creation kit or what not

Edited by tcain99
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