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[Question] Are TES:IV mods considered abandonware by now?


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I always found this whole thing about copyright in the mods that are abandoned a bit forced.

I don't know how it works in foreign countries, but if you would do such a thing like republishing a mod of an author that has disappeared, and you get sued for that, a judge there in Italy would start laughing at the part that sued you.

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Good to see there's a great sense of justice around the world. :rolleyes:


Anyways, mod and mod resource stealing unfortunately does occur all the time. And that's why there's several authors, some of whom I know, take down or hide their mods in order to prevent such theft. And this author is also thinking of doing it as well. :thumbsup:

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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There is no point on hiding your mods - truth is that I truly doubt that someone would take credit for the work you've made - in that case I fully agree with you.

But if someone tweaks a mod I don't see where is the big deal - the truth is that after all, if you published a mod you did so to make other people enjoy your work;

it is true that you deserve recognition for that and maybe also to get contacted everytime someone use your work, but if you disappeared, I doubt in the end you care about what is going to happen.

In the end is up to the user - just do not steal other work and I think it's all ok - if you tweak stuff just release the tweaked stuff without the main resources - that should be ok.

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I cannot understand the continued debate over the uploading of copyright material since the Terms of Service is very specific about this.


"The posting of any copyrighted material, unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material, is strictly prohibited on any Nexus site."




"Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator"




"All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content"


Irregardless of the country in which you reside, these are the Terms of Service of this site and the same Terms of Service you agree to abide by when you create an account to use the site.

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I cannot understand the continued debate over the uploading of copyright material since the Terms of Service is very specific about this.


"The posting of any copyrighted material, unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material, is strictly prohibited on any Nexus site."




"Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator"




"All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content"


Irregardless of the country in which you reside, these are the Terms of Service of this site and the same Terms of Service you agree to abide by when you create an account to use the site.

Well what Kemipx, and Sergio to a lesser degree, is point out is what if people take mod resources without the author's permission anyways and upload it on another website anyways. Who's going to enforce such rules then on sites outside of Beth/Nexus controls? The rules on this website and other similar are very clear as you point out, but what happens when someone goes beyond those boundries? We know what happens here, but what about those other sites? A specific example is being asked for by Kemipx.




There is no point on hiding your mods - truth is that I truly doubt that someone would take credit for the work you've made - in that case I fully agree with you.


But if someone tweaks a mod I don't see where is the big deal - the truth is that after all, if you published a mod you did so to make other people enjoy your work;


it is true that you deserve recognition for that and maybe also to get contacted everytime someone use your work, but if you disappeared, I doubt in the end you care about what is going to happen.


In the end is up to the user - just do not steal other work and I think it's all ok - if you tweak stuff just release the tweaked stuff without the main resources - that should be ok.


Actually, there could be a use to hiding mods. To share them with select individuals only, which really is a shame if you ask me. There is one author that does this that comes to mind.


I can agree though that if an author truly cares about their work they'll be sure to take care of it.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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I cannot understand the continued debate over the uploading of copyright material since the Terms of Service is very specific about this.


"The posting of any copyrighted material, unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material, is strictly prohibited on any Nexus site."




"Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator"




"All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content"


Irregardless of the country in which you reside, these are the Terms of Service of this site and the same Terms of Service you agree to abide by when you create an account to use the site.

M48A5, if you are talking about tes nexus , that's ok.

They got rules and you will likely get banned inside tes nexus if you do not follow them.


Actually, what I was talking about, is that if you publish that content somewhere else, where I live there is no way to enforce what is said inside these terms of use. Easier than explained like that, it couldn't be.

And so threatening users to get sued is not the best way to avoid people re-using your mods. Do you want that your mods aren't used? You just don't publish them.


And I remark my point - if a modder left the community and his mods are being republished on other website and due credit is given and no profit is made off this stuff, why would a modder be angry with that - especially when stuff is fixed. I still remember a "famous" personality fixing Blackwood company for himself and not sharing it because he didn't want to ask Lingwei and by asking he didn't want to sound rude. This makes no f***ing sense. The mod was full of bugs and the act of mere fixing it was thought as unkind. I plause Lingwei for making walkerinshadows able to fix it. The mod was full of bugs, and the purpose of the mod if published, was to make other enjoy your work.


And if you are tweaking it, you are just tweaking it - and if you give credit, once again, there is no harm, because if people see that you tweaked that version they have a possibility to choose between the original work and the tweaked version.


For Lonewolf Kai: If you hide them like that, it means that you never wanted them to be public. You wanted just selected individuals to enjoy your work. That's fine, if you ask me. But that is different by uploading it on tes nexus and pretending no one will ever touch it - you are making it public and there is a chance someone will tweak it and republish it - not on tes nexus, of course. Maybe somewhere else. Well, whatever.

After all, you've got your own idea and I doubt I can make you change it! Good modding :)




Edited by Sergio1992
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For Lonewolf Kai: If you hide them like that, it means that you never wanted them to be public. You wanted just selected individuals to enjoy your work. That's fine, if you ask me. But that is different by uploading it on tes nexus and pretending no one will ever touch it - you are making it public and there is a chance someone will tweak it and republish it - not on tes nexus, of course. Maybe somewhere else. Well, whatever.

After all, you've got your own idea and I doubt I can make you change it! Good modding :smile:




Ah, but you're forgetting that the mod may have been originally intended for public use ... until it started getting abused. And the authors I'm talking about are exactly here on the Nexus and this was the case with them. They got tired of people stealing their work and have since put their files on hidden status, only letting select individuals download them. An author can put their files on hidden status that way here at the Nexus.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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For Lonewolf Kai: If you hide them like that, it means that you never wanted them to be public. You wanted just selected individuals to enjoy your work. That's fine, if you ask me. But that is different by uploading it on tes nexus and pretending no one will ever touch it - you are making it public and there is a chance someone will tweak it and republish it - not on tes nexus, of course. Maybe somewhere else. Well, whatever.

After all, you've got your own idea and I doubt I can make you change it! Good modding :smile:




Ah, but you're forgetting that the mod may have been originally intended for public use ... until it started getting abused. And the authors I'm talking about are exactly here on the Nexus and this was the case with them. They got tired of people stealing their work and have since put their files on hidden status, only letting select individuals download them. An author can put their files on hidden status that way here at the Nexus.



Didn't Saiden Storm ask for his Akatosh Mount mod to be removed after he left the site? You can still find it with a quick Google search though.


I'm just curious as to the actual procedure that Bethsoft/GStaff take when a mod author claims his mod is being hosted somewhere he didn't want/being copied. I know of hundreds of server hosts who simply throw away requests from even law enforcement. Someone could take a really popular mod such as Midas Magic or OOO, upload it to somewhere like Tor under their own name and then what? What then?


Wow this thread is kinda off-topic now but at least we're being civil about it.

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For Lonewolf Kai: If you hide them like that, it means that you never wanted them to be public. You wanted just selected individuals to enjoy your work. That's fine, if you ask me. But that is different by uploading it on tes nexus and pretending no one will ever touch it - you are making it public and there is a chance someone will tweak it and republish it - not on tes nexus, of course. Maybe somewhere else. Well, whatever.

After all, you've got your own idea and I doubt I can make you change it! Good modding :smile:




Ah, but you're forgetting that the mod may have been originally intended for public use ... until it started getting abused. And the authors I'm talking about are exactly here on the Nexus and this was the case with them. They got tired of people stealing their work and have since put their files on hidden status, only letting select individuals download them. An author can put their files on hidden status that way here at the Nexus.

if they are stealing your stuff, and marking it as theirs, you are TOTALLY right. And it's a shame that things like that happens..

Edit: By the way, I'm sorry about what happened to you.



But weren't we talking about abandonware - and the fact that an author would like to publish tweaked stuff after giving due credit? :wink:

Edited by Sergio1992
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