djjohnjarvis Posted August 8, 2014 Share Posted August 8, 2014 This bug with Sofia was fixed way back at the beginning of June in the first week of release. You must be running a very outdated version, you need to update the mod and it will fix this issue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dahveed Posted August 15, 2014 Share Posted August 15, 2014 Thank you for posting this fix, I had the exact same problem and found this thread via Google. The Sofia mod was causing the CTD and the update fixed it. Saved me a tonne of time! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GAMEASSASIN506 Posted February 25, 2015 Share Posted February 25, 2015 (edited) I notice you posted this somewhat recently. Just got back into playing Skyrim and ran into the exact problem you are having. You click the Clavicus Vile statue to talk and get immediate crash to desktop.After disabling several different things, one by one, I finally found the cause and notice in your list of mods, that (( Sofia, the fully voiced funny follower)) is listed.Disabling/removing that mod fixed the issue for me. While the author did great work. Sofia is connected to quests and meant to respond to them and it is causing issue in my game and possibly your own. Hope this helps anyone else out there having this issue. I am also having this issue, but I dont use Sofia. I can post my load order, but I cant figure out the problem. EDIT: I also use BOSS and it doesnt pick up any issues regarding this. Edited February 25, 2015 by GAMEASSASIN506 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djjohnjarvis Posted February 25, 2015 Share Posted February 25, 2015 Other followers have been hit with the same bug in the past. The two I know of that were affected but are now fixed are Vilja and Professor Benjamin Doon. You should check that you have the very latest version if you use those mods. Vilja was affected quite recently with the 4.0 update I think so even if it feels like you recently updated you should check that you have 4.01 or later which fixes it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GAMEASSASIN506 Posted February 25, 2015 Share Posted February 25, 2015 (edited) Other followers have been hit with the same bug in the past. The two I know of that were affected but are now fixed are Vilja and Professor Benjamin Doon. You should check that you have the very latest version if you use those mods. Vilja was affected quite recently with the 4.0 update I think so even if it feels like you recently updated you should check that you have 4.01 or later which fixes it. Would Corners of Skyrim also cause this? Edit: No it doesnt. Could someone look at my load order and find the problem I dont know a lot about skyrim modding yet. And it crashes when I stay in Haemar's Cavern for more than 2 minutes. 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Epic Shout Package.esp=1Thunderchild - Dragon Language Words Patch.esp=1Undeath.esp=1lighterdragonitems.esp=1AchieveThat.esp=1Book Covers Skyrim.esp=1Differently Ebony.esp=1FireAndIceOverhaul.esp=1Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1ImmersiveFP.esp=1Convenient Horses.esp=1dd - enhanced blood main.esp=1wizDynamicThings.esp=1aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp=1ETaC - Complete.esp=1ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp=1Helgen Reborn.esp=1Storefront.esp=1Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp=1Provincial Courier Service.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-3.esp=1Better Vampires.esp=1DarkManeuvers.esp=1Predator Vision.esp=1Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp=1Vampire_NoSunDamage_Hoods&Helmets.esp=1Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp=1P1FlyingRing.esp=1Realistic crime report radius.esp=1yield.esp=1BatTravel.esp=1Vampirelordroyal.esp=1dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp=1vImmersiveBeds.esp=1vImmersiveBeds - 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Whiterun.esp=1SleepTight.esp=1Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp=1JaxonzRenamer.esp=1aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp=1WEBS extended.esp=1WSCO - OcciFemaleVNL.esp=1WSCO - OcciMaleVNL.esp=1WSCO - Better NPCs.esp=1Immersive NPC in the dark.esp=1Immersive Patrols II.esp=1chfshPlayerVoicesets.esp=1PerkusMaximus_Master.esp=1PerkusMaximus_Mage.esp=1PerkusMaximus_Thief.esp=1PerkusMaximus_Warrior.esp=1PerMa Expansion 1 - Wintermyst.esp=1improved wooden sword -imperial edition- for hearthfire.esp=1Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp=1Imperious - PerMa Compatibility Patch.esp=1JaxonzEnhGrab.esp=1JaxonzNamedSave.esp=1DBM_KonahrikAPatch.esp=1mythicalclothes.esp=1mythicalclothesvanilla.esp=1ravenrockhouse.esp=1VioLens.esp=1weaponized whippersnappers - legendary edition.esp=1SummonableChest.esp=1BlackHorseCourier.esp=1Convenient Bridges.esp=1DBM_Moonpaths_addon.esp=1No Vampire Attacks.esp=1TreaclemanMoonpathPatch.esp=1UniqueTreasures_DBM_Patch.esp=1Animated Dragon Wings.esp=1Patch - Inconsequential NPCs - RS kids.esp=1Patch - Interesting NPCs - RS kids.esp=1Patch - Falskaar - RS kids.esp=1Extended Encounters.esp=1UniqueBorderGates-All.esp=1UniqueBorderGates-All-PointTheWay.esp=1WindstadMine.esp=1OghmaInfiniumUnlimited.esp=1Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp=1DBM_BCS_Patch.esp=1Additional Children Clothes.esp=1TKMN_MoreAdoptableChildren.esp=1Apocalypse - More Apocalypse.esp=1Apocalypse - PerMa Compatibility Patch.esp=1Apocalypse - More Apocalypse - PerMa Compatibility Patch.esp=1Skyrim Radioactive.esp=1UniqueBorderGates-All-TheFrontier.esp=1CornerofTheSkyrim.esp=1RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp=1More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Powered Edition.esp=1More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Flying Mod Addon.esp=1More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Wings and Tail.esp=1Dual Sheath Redux.esp=1NordicHeroines.esp=1 Edited February 26, 2015 by GAMEASSASIN506 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hedsar Posted November 11, 2015 Share Posted November 11, 2015 (edited) Just got this problem. I have UFO - Ultimate followers overhaul, so you, guys, talking about follower comments causing crashes gave me an idea.I simply left the dungeon (exit is behind the statue, lever is to the right of the door). Then asked my follower to wait right outside the dungeon, returned to statue everything was ok. That way you don't have to turn off any mods.Probably, it's even enough to ask the follower to wait just far enough from the statue so he or she wouldn't make their comments. In your case, gameassassin06, it's most probably FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp=1 Edited November 11, 2015 by hedsar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mattlosh Posted March 20, 2017 Share Posted March 20, 2017 (edited) I'm having this issue in a vanilla game.Zero mods, fresh install...quick achievement run. I talk to clavicus, the dog joins him in the statue then ctd.I checked local files in steam..not really sure what else to do as I'm not using any mods. Edit - Fixed. I told Barbos to stop following me.It seems this quest has issues with followers that interact with clavicus like the posts above me stated. Edited March 20, 2017 by Mattlosh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newtonext1234 Posted January 15, 2021 Share Posted January 15, 2021 I also encount this ctd error however I didn't install "sofia" custom voice follower. In my case, I created custom voice follower by CK and created each dialogue quest and inputted each "Function Name" by "GetIsID" on CKs topic windows for set the voice type. I have felt this is reason so changed this parameter from "GetIsID" to "GetInVoiceType" on all settings. After this I could activate object without ctd. If happened ctd after install custom voice, it may this is reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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