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Slaving for Fun and Profit


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I have recently started to send a regular stream of slaves to Paradise Falls and I am wondering if my experience tracks with most other peoples. I am having trouble in a few areas. First is that I can't seem to carry more than one Slave Collar at a time. I haven't found any for sale and I tried to use console command "player.additem", no success. After entering the code, got a message "X Slave collars added", but they didn't show up in my inventory. Maybe the game won't let that grumpy guy in Paradise falls from accepting/paying for more than one slave at a time.


Second, I would be interested in any ideas to increase the survival rate of the slaves I do send back. So far it appears that distance from Paradise Falls is the determining factor. No slaves, so far, have made it if they have to transit underground to get there (Zones 10 and above). This suggests the slaves cannot "Fast Travel". On one occasion, I tried following the slave only to see her run straight through a pond (not around) and seemed to have only a limited ability to defend herself against the herd of Mirelurks that attacked her. I have tried letting the slaves keep their weapons and armour with no apparent effect on survival.


I am running FOOK, MMM, Slaves Stay Around, and a bunch of small ones.



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I use the FNNCQ mod too. Its main features that drew me to use it are:

- the people you enslave do not just run away on their own, you can actually escort them at your own pace, but usually it's better to just fast-travel directly to your buyer (you have a choice) because Grouse at the front gate will attack certain people.


- you can have 5 slaves at once (it is a limitation of the game), but you can carry as many collars as you can afford, just in case somebody looses their head.


- most importantly, the people you sell, actually get their body put back at their original spawn location. This allows them to respawn instead of being completely deleted from the game forever (which is what happens when you sell to Grouse). Of course, named people do not respawn, they stay dead.


I think the mod is still marked as BETA, but I've been using it for about two months (several hours per day everyday) and the only problem I've found is that the stimpak weapon can not be repaired with normal stimpaks as stated in the ReadMe, you must let a trader repair it or else your game may crash.

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I loaded FNNCQ and started slaving away! So far the mod works as advertised :thanks: I now try to make it a point to reduce an enemy group to 5 and then enslave the rest. It has worked on Raiders and Talon Mercs. Loads of fun. I recommend this mod!
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I'm part of the old guard still using sinisterchipmunk's Buyable Slaves and Slaves Stick Around. The new mod just has too many features I don't really need or want to deal with. Biggest problem with that mod is that collaring raiders causes problems in the slave pen; other NPCs still run away from raiders as if they are still hostile.


Even so, I've never had trouble keeping slaves alive. The easiest way to minimize the problem is to just wait an hour after collaring new meat; once the game considers them out of the cell they're "in the nether," so to speak.

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