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need help on handling 1-hand to 2-hand...


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hey everyone... i'll appreciate a little help here...


how can be possible to change the handling of a weapon? for example.. a dai-katana or a claymore being weilded with only one hand...


please it's very important... i mean... to me! :biggrin:


anyway :thanks: to any help...

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I am not a modeler yet, but it should be entirely possible. Xivilai wield two-handed weapons with one hand. You also see all sorts of crazy things like bo-staffs, giant huge cartoonish weapons and such. I do not understand all the settings on a model in Blender and weapon form in the CS, but I know how some people do it wrong. If you change a two-handed weapon to one-handed in the CS, the weapon might not appear in your hand in-game or in paper-doll mode. So it seems that the model itself needs to be changed.


I am thinking it would have to be on a case by case basis. Simplest would be to fix one particular two-handed weapon to be one-handed for your character. It would be difficult or impossible to make it so all two-handed weapons could be wielded one-handed, because that would be like a major game-engine overhaul.


The simplest way might be to go into Blender and change a longsword to be really long like a claymore. Keep most of the other settings the same, and you would have what you are after. I know you would have to adjust "reach" in the CS. Just change one number to be like a claymore number instead of a longsword number.


You might search to see if there are already mods with weapons like this.

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well... i got a mod (FF7 blades complete) and one of the tsurugi's (tsurugi incomplete) i wanted to put it only 1-hand...


it sounds stupid because i can't play the mod at the best... (don't ask why... the OBSE doesn't work at all and i can't put it in working good :S) so i'm using a little "cheat"... i've put all the weapons on the house on waterfront using CS... but the tsurugi complete and incomplete are the same... i only wanted to put the incomplete to 1-hand to be diferent... xD


but if i can do it... i'll be able to build my own mod... i want to learn all about this... little by little... xD


anyway, how can i change the script? it's on the CS ok... but what language it is? VB? or it is pascal? xD

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I am not a modeler yet and not really the best person to be answering, but I know a little. You would not really need to change any "scripts." I have heard that Oblivion scripting language is sort of like the computer language C++. I think Oblivion scripting language is really weird, buggy, and wasteful of system resources, but everyone has so much computer power now that we can be wasteful.


So for your project, I imagine the whole thing could be done in blender by modifying the .nif and adjusting settings on it, and in the CS by adjusting settings. I know that the CS part would involve no scripting and would just involve things like numbers in boxes and radio buttons. I am very ignorant on what would be done in blender though.


Hopefully a skillful modeler will post a response to this thread explaining what the difference is, in the computer's eyes, between a one-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon is, and how to change one into the other.



EDIT: I have no idea what it is talking about, but here is a tantalizing tidbit I found in a search:




From The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki

< User:DragoonWraith


A command for NifScript




(string_var:path) [ref:weapon.]NifGetAltGrip [ref:weapon]


Returns the path (relative to the Data\Meshes folder) to a version of the weapon's model that uses the opposite number of hands. Creates that model if necessary.




set Weapon to player.GetEquippedObject 16
set pathString to NifGetAltGrip Weapon
if ( pathString )
 SetModelPathEx "%z" pathString Weapon


If Weapon was a one-handed blade or blunt weapon, it will now be a two-hander. If two-handed blade or blunt weapon, a one-hander. If a Bow or Staff, or if the player it unarmed, nothing happens.

Retrieved from "http://cs.bethsoft.com/constwiki/index.php/User:DragoonWraith/NifGetAltGrip"


Category: Functions (NifScript)

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Actually changing a one handed weapon to two handed (and vice versa) is really simple. Just open the weapon in the CS and change the weapon type to either blade 1-hand/blade 2-hand or blunt 1-hand/blunt 2-hand like so:



Although it might (key word, might) require a little bit of movement in blender to make it be positioned right in the players hand but it's simple really.


Edit: And David, while that probably works. Nifscript is an optional plug-in for OBSE to allow Oblivion scripts to edit .nif files while in game. That script would really be more useful if you're wanting a weapon to be able to switch between 1-hand and 2-hand during game without having to leave to change it in the CS.

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shadowace, before you posted, I was doing some testing, and the CS approach doesn't really work. It is easy to change the options in that pull-down menu like BladeTwo-Hand to BladeOne-Hand, but then the weapon doesn't work anymore.


The test I did was with an ebony claymore that I made one-handed. In paperdoll mode it shows my character with a claymore in one hand, but in the game, the weapon cannot be drawn. It remains on my character's back. My character reaches to his left side and you hear that sliding of cold steel, but his hand comes out empty. He tried to hit a creature to see if his sword was just invisible, but it wasn't even a punch. His hand goes through the animated swing, but does not connect with a target.


EDIT: I tested again, and my character does have a drawn sword, it is just invisible. There is the invisible sword in the hand at the same time the visible sword is on the back. How very odd.


So then I go into NifSkope and that doesn't work either. I try to change 2 NiStringExtraData Backweapon to 2 NistringExtraData SideWeapon, but the claymore remains on my character's back and cannot be drawn.


At this point I don't think Blender would help because the weapon cannot be visibly drawn yet. It doesn't matter how it is positioned in the hand since it can't visibly get there. I have no idea what is going wrong.





Here is some more interesting stuff that doesn't work because I am sure there is one detail he assumes we all know, but don't.




[edit] BSX Flags


BSX flags tell the game engine what type of object this is. You will find BSX flags on all world objects but never on character models, clothing, or armor. Clothing and armor because it replaces a section or sections of the base character model when equipped. All world objects must have an associated BSX Flag.


NOTE: Clothing and armor are special cases since it is both necessary to replace a section of the character model, and be able to place the object in the game environment. You will notice that all clothing and armor contain two NIF files: example shirt.nif & shirt_gnd.nif. The _gnd version of the clothing or armor model is used as the world object and so has a BSX Flag.


In the Block List Window:


* Click to highlight: 1 BSX Flags BSX


Now look at the Block Details Window -> Flags -> Value column


You'll see the number '3' in this column. This value tells the game engine that this is a weapon model. The game engine will now set certain animation and collision variables to this model pertaining to weapons. Examples are the animations played when striking rocks or walls with a weapon vs. striking an NPC.

[edit] Extra String Data: Prn


Extra data blocks are required to tell the game engine additional information about your model. In the case of a weapon model the Prn Block tells the game engine where your weapon model is going to be placed on the character model.


NOTE: Don't confuse this with the weapon type pull down menu in the Construction Set when creating new weapons. That section tells the game engine what animation to play. The Prn block tells the game engine where to place the model. [Example: You cannot have a side mounted weapon set as 'Blade 2-Hand']


In the Block List Window:


* Click to highlight: 2 NiStringExtraData Prn


Look at the Block Details window -> String Data -> Value column


"BackWeapon" is listed here. This tells the game engine that this weapon is a back mounted weapon. The game engine will place this weapon's scene root at the 'BackWeapon' location on the character model.


NOTE: In some instances you will find a Prn Block without an associated BSX Flag block. In this case the Prn Block is only telling the game engine where to place the object on the character model.


NOTE: See the Glossary section for a list of BSX Flags and Prn Strings.

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I just solved the problem ! You cant just change it in the Cs it has to be in Blender .i made a small custom dagger ( one hand ) and enlarged it and imported a dai katana and I lined the handle up on both of them so that they are the same size.You need to line them up because the Bethesda made blades are positioned so the actor knows how to hold them.After I exported the custom sword you have to change where the blade is otherwise it will not be visible.You have to change it from side to back.This is how I did it and it worked here a pic




Same model just different scale and location.


I can change some weapons from one hand to two hand if you want me too except that the texture might be a bit stretched out ( possibly)

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When I saw this topic, I was initially thinking it was a more complicated request such as carrying around one-handed sword and dynamically changing it to a two-handed sword. But now I am thinking that the OP simply wants to change the sword from one type to the other (permanently).


Two parts have to be in sync for this to work properly if I recall correctly.


#1 - The weapon must be defined as either 1 or 2 handed in the CS.

#2 - The weapon's NIF file must have a string setting describing it as 1 or 2 handed (and matching the setting in the CS)


So, if you have a 2-handed claymore, you need to make at LEAST two changes to make this happen. One in the CS and the other in the NIF itself. As previously mentioned, you might have to modify the xyz coordinates if the positioning in the hand is off but this can be done in NifSkope or a 3D modeling program such as Blender.


NIF Setting for a 1-handed weapon:


NiNode --> NiStringExtraData --> SideWeapon


NIF Setting for a 2-handed weapon:


NiNode --> NiStringExtraData --> BackWeapon



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