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need help on handling 1-hand to 2-hand...


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i could accept your help alonsomartinez... but the creator of the weapon is not anymore among us... he said it some while ago... :S


you can see by yourself... search for FF7 blades complete... so you can see it... as i explained before... i can't put OBSE to work (it just don't work at all)... so i made a "cheat" putting the weapons on a chest on my house at IC Waterfront...


but whatever... thanks anyway for the help... but i want to do it all by myself and learn this thinks to make my own weapon later...


to make a mod a only need CS, blender and Oblivion Mod Manager right?

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to make a mod a only need CS, blender and Oblivion Mod Manager right?
Completely depends on what you are wanting to do.


You don't even need the CS if you are making replacers. You don't need Blender if you are not making new models.


If you do make new models (but not as a replacer), you will need the following:


1. Construction Set (to make the plugin)

2. Blender + addons (to make the model, UV Map, rigging and eventual output to NIF format)

3. NifSkope (to edit and configure NIF files to your specifications...especially things that Blender does not export)

4. Graphics editor (such as GIMP or Paint.NET) to create/modify textures for your model.

4b. DDS Support (either built-in support in Paint.NET or a plugin for GIMP to open/save to DDS files or a stand-alone converter like DDS Converter).

4c. Normal Map support (Plugin filter for GIMP or CrazyBump)

5. Time (for learning how to use all the tools together to create the end-result)


Article: How To Make Mods



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Two parts have to be in sync for this to work properly if I recall correctly.


#1 - The weapon must be defined as either 1 or 2 handed in the CS.

#2 - The weapon's NIF file must have a string setting describing it as 1 or 2 handed (and matching the setting in the CS)


So, if you have a 2-handed claymore, you need to make at LEAST two changes to make this happen. One in the CS and the other in the NIF itself. As previously mentioned, you might have to modify the xyz coordinates if the positioning in the hand is off but this can be done in NifSkope or a 3D modeling program such as Blender.


NIF Setting for a 1-handed weapon:


NiNode --> NiStringExtraData --> SideWeapon


NIF Setting for a 2-handed weapon:


NiNode --> NiStringExtraData --> BackWeapon




Earlier in this thread, I reported on my test with an ebony claymore that I wanted to make one-handed. The test failed, but I was following these instructions even before they were given.


The ebony claymore was changed to 1-handed blade in the CS, and the nif was modified to have NiNode --> NiStringExtraData --> SideWeapon. But it didn't work. The claymore could not be visibly removed from my back. (That's right. It was worn on the back even though the .nif said it was now a sideweapon.) So I would draw an invisible weapon from my side, and I would kill creatures with my invisible blade while wearing the visible claymore I was supposedly using on my back.


I did not feel that Blender would be helpful because the weapon was not mis-positioned in my hand. It was nowhere to be seen, or else stuck on my back.


I have no idea what went wrong with the test. Does anyone have any ideas?

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Thx for the tips Hammond... but i just only want to change the handling... what i want is to change from 2-hand to 1-hand... i made the change on the CS but it will just give me a pink texture... and sometimes it appears black... :confused:


So i thought it must be changed on script but i just don't know how to change that... :sweat:


That's why i thought that could be a good idea asking around on the forum...


it's just what i need to know... for now

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The ebony claymore was changed to 1-handed blade in the CS, and the nif was modified to have NiNode --> NiStringExtraData --> SideWeapon. But it didn't work. The claymore could not be visibly removed from my back. (That's right. It was worn on the back even though the .nif said it was now a sideweapon.) So I would draw an invisible weapon from my side, and I would kill creatures with my invisible blade while wearing the visible claymore I was supposedly using on my back.

I will have to give the Ebony blade a shot then. The 1st thing I would check is to see if the weapon has rigging on it that is different from most other weapons. Although it has been a while since I have done this, I am fairly certain those were the only checklists I needed to go through to make it work...but again, I do not have a perfect memory so I will just have to go through a few vanilla weapons to see it work again.


EDIT: Of course Oblivion fails to start...same with the CS. I will have to uninstall and re-install it later to fix it. I also could not extract the texture BSA with BSA Commander or OBMM for some strange reason. I guess the files were corrupted somehow.


EDIT 2/18/2010: Sorry akorn22, I still have not re-installed Oblivion yet.



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  • 1 month later...

for now i uninstalled oblivion cuz it made a problem to me... so i'm waiting to get it again... and this time the game of the year version (where i can run OBSE without any troubles (yey! lol))...


but i still have that in mind... and i really want to change it...


when someone could help me with this just tell me something...

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For making a 1hander into a 2hander or vice versa, the info that LHammonds posted should work. I performed the operation on a sword successfully and it works in game just fine. When I went to do the exact same thing to an axe, I started running into the same problem that David had with the claymore. I eventually solved it by importing a new collision box into blender and re-exporting. I had been using the Daedric Battleaxe collision mesh for the 2hand version which worked fine, but refused to work 1handed. (Axe on back, invisible weapon in hand). So from my limited experience with it, I think the problem is collision related.


Back to the original topic... When I was working on my own mod I used Sinbloods Soulshade sword as a template. It contains adonnays swapping script so when you get both versions of your .nif working you can swap between the 2 ingame.


Good luck,



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