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Fallout: New Vegas Info!!!


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Love it or hate it, I'm pretty sure most of you are still getting it when it comes out... I am. Even more so when mods start rolling in. Although I wished they'd change the Pipboy arm brace into a handheld. Damn thing can destroy how a power armor (or any type of thick armed suit for that matter) should look like. And I guess I'm still gonna see heavy weapons with useless backpacks again and STILL no pump action shotguns. *sigh*


Oh yeah, I tried Alpha Protocol. Story is interesting, gunfights are not. Got bored. The End.

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I have never complained about the graphics man NOT ONCE ....but i did complain about the story, the lack of any immersion, the vastness and the boringness of landscapes, the horrid performance on even the best video cards ,the constant crashing and on and on and on i could go on all friggin day.


Bottom line is this, if this game was made by Bioware or Black Isle (which is not possible ) You would see and experience fallout the way it should have been made .

With characters, immersion, no crashes,phenomenal story line ,awesome voice overs and last but not least lack of that crappy engine Bethisda used in Oblivion.


Edit: I forgot to add the frame skipping, constant micro stutter (which thousands complained about) which was eliminated by forcing the player to use Vsync making the game laggy in turn.


I'm not referring to bugs. I was also wuite tisked off at all the bugs I encountered, as is natural and acceptable. What angers me is that people (not necessarily you) have already decided that they won't like the new game, because a trailer focusing on gameplay for an, as of yet only to be released in 6 months, therefore not completely finished, game has bad graphics.


For those who wants the tl;dr version. I'm angry and sad that some people complain about graphics for a game which isn't going to be out for 6 months.

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as a conscious developer you would never ever release alpha or beta videos which dont really show anything spectacular, and that video doesnt, it shows some dude shooting a gun we have since fallout3 came out (mods), running through a world totally void of objects of interest and a landscape worse than anything beth showed so far.

it looks like what the geck looks like when you first open it up.

and since we are at comparisions to older games, the gothic series for exampole showed good landscape understanding, how rocks look, how a tree looks, how a mountain looks, etc, beth is severly lacking in this regards and the new trailer really tops it.

gameplay? did anyone see anything cool, gameplay wise, we've not seen yet in fallout 3? no, the only difference was that the perks screen looked more fallout 1ish


so far a sad presentation, and no wonder fans come round as dissapointed if they get treated with such foul smelling scooby snacks ...yet...

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I'm a fan and I'm not disappointed. If the game world looks exactly like Fallout 3's world I won't even complain. I'd rather be realistic and tell myself, this game isn't coming out for a few more months, let's wait and see if it really is as terrible as I profess before I start throwing my toys out of the cot.
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well i`m not getting it because it just feels like a BIG addon to fallout 3, there is nothing new here that mods have done, but lets wait and see what reviews it gets frist, from what i have seen i would guess its going to get around a score of around 85% or 4 stars out of 5 but who knows....
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FAQ up over at the Bethesda forums. DRM of choice will be Steamworks, and modding has been confirmed to exist and work like Fallout 3 mods, pretty much. Except that I doubt you can get around Steamworks as easily.


I would like to imagine this would mean that Dark0ne could just direct people to the Steam Tools tab for their G.E.C.K. 2 downloading needs. Oh, and a rename of Fallout 3 Nexus may be of order.


Personally, if I had to choose between GfWL and Steamworks, I'd pick Steamworks any day of the week. Sure, the anti-Steam lot may be disappointed, but I think they would be in a minority, or at least less in number than the anti-GfWL people.

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FAQ up over at the Bethesda forums. DRM of choice will be Steamworks, and modding has been confirmed to exist and work like Fallout 3 mods, pretty much. Except that I doubt you can get around Steamworks as easily.


I would like to imagine this would mean that Dark0ne could just direct people to the Steam Tools tab for their G.E.C.K. 2 downloading needs. Oh, and a rename of Fallout 3 Nexus may be of order.


Personally, if I had to choose between GfWL and Steamworks, I'd pick Steamworks any day of the week. Sure, the anti-Steam lot may be disappointed, but I think they would be in a minority, or at least less in number than the anti-GfWL people.


Drat, I guess I won't be getting this game then, I so hoping this wouldn't have a forced online component

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well somebody will make a work around patch or something i hate Steam live ALL of them they just lagg up your computer
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