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Crashing after launch


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This happened before and after I installed the 1.7 patch, I first installed the game and tried playing but as soon as I loaded up the game it came up for a few seconds..was dark and then gave me a windows error report. Then installed the patch and well...it didn't help at all.


I've read suggestions all over the place but most are dated like a year old or so and don't work or links are dead.

I use WinXP by the way.

I've heard many people say they tested it on another computer of theirs that has Vista and it runs fine, but not for their windows XP computer and thats usually the only difference of the 2. but the answer to why is never given.

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Yeah I've seen it in really old topics on other forums elsewhere as well, just thought that by now there might be a solution though. May be awhile till I get a new graphics card though.

Ok, so you understand that your video card has serious difficulties with this game.


But that leads to a completely different question . . .



"How to get this game running on a marginal video card"


I know that both Oblivion and Fallout have (had) research projects devoted to this question, but haven't followed their progress. There have been reports of "ways" . . .

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