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Squad Tactics


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I travel 3-5 companions using Charisma Count mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6118

What I thinking is someway to give your companions some tactic other then flank/stay close, melee/firearms.



i like the Better Talon Mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6531


Orders are as follows:

companion one (c1) - stay here and snipe, and wait for my sttack

c2 - follow me and shot my target

c3 - follow me and give support fire

c4 - follow us and provide medical support

c5 - follow us and watch our flank


i mean granted there are some great companion mods out there i use 7 myself but tend to leave some at home for rest (RP, :rolleyes: )

and even the SCC and 187 are awesome adds :yes:


but something that could make large scale combat in the capital would be fun i mean DC was hit but other that Pittsburgh nothng else seems to be touched wouldnt people flock to areas they know and try to reestablish themselves


other thatn the Enclave claiming to be the goverment the has to be some out there that have similar patriot view to restablish the goverment and try to protect the american public

(this is against Warhammer 40K imperium doctrine so dont think Space Marines >:( would protect ghouls feral or not, they believe in the purity of humankind so Underworld might be their first site to purge the unclean) another GREAT set of MODs too :biggrin:

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Well i gues that answers tactics but what about formations the line is an old tactic and to break it up you just need to kill couple in the center or ambush forward/rear man

but thanks adrian this is the second time you helped me out much appreciated

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No problem, glad to help out. :)


Something out of topic but I think this mod would get you a much enjoyable experience when fighting in Fallout 3.




Another mod that adds more battles in the DC are would be DC patrols mod, but it's not available for download currently.

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