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Camera position for screen shots


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Hello All,


I want to take some nice screen shots without having to wait til the game goes into idle mode. I am with a companion and I want both to be able to face the camera or make the screenshot angle swing around and face them without causing my avie to move.


How do I do this?

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Just make sure to turn TFC off before you fast travel - otherwise you'll wind up thinking:


"Where am I? Did I break the game?" when you can hear the IC Marketplace around you, but your screen shows broken scenery.

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Thank you all for your replies I will try these things you mentioned^^

Just make sure to turn TFC off before you fast travel - otherwise you'll wind up thinking:


"Where am I? Did I break the game?" when you can hear the IC Marketplace around you, but your screen shows broken scenery.

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The shift and R was helpful. The toggle command just my camera inside my body even when I moused around. I tried going into 3rd person out of 3rd person it was wierd. Are there any other way to get a better angle.

Ill post some shots of Luvi and SToker in the photo thread part of the forum.

The angle always to sort of focus more on my avie rather than the person I am talking to or traight in the middle.


If there is any way around it please let a lady know? Many thanks to all who replied to this



Thank you all for your replies I will try these things you mentioned^^
Just make sure to turn TFC off before you fast travel - otherwise you'll wind up thinking:


"Where am I? Did I break the game?" when you can hear the IC Marketplace around you, but your screen shows broken scenery.

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Okk I was holding down shift and r ill try just R


Or you could hold down the R key and rotate around your character.

just.. this!


unless you've changed the 'r' key to be something else, this will do what you want to get done - promise.

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