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Oblivion Patch Request List


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  Min-chan said:
He is right, though, Agraza. Although I have added a lot of things that seem more fit to be in some mod, most of what I've taken that could be mods were things that mods modders can't (at this present time) do (such as fixing the speechcraft game), or requesting features for modders to be able to use (such as an NIF importer/exporter). On that note, I removed 4 items that seemed to be mod request features rather than patch problems.


I wrote a large post, but none have been considered for the patch list. I think that, while some of them are good for mods, some are also good for patches. For example, the Vampire Head problem for female models is an actual glitch that is very bothersome. :huh:


I haven't received any comments on my list of problems with the game, so I can't revise them to be more helpful without criticism. I do want to help with the list, though. There's got to be something in it that was worth the time to write.

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i dont know wether this can be considered as a patch or can be fixed in a mod but one of the things that i liked in the morrowind goty was you could pace multiple map markers and name them. mabi they can add that into oblivion. I think it would also be cool if you can also give them icons that are built into the game or you can add icons that you made.


i also dont know if this could be made into a mod or patch or not but dropable gold. I've heard alot of people talk about that.

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The ability to disable confirmation messages.

Do you wish to sell iron claymore?
Yes already! Speaking of which, if I have multiple versions of an item, such as 3 tan plates, prompt me about how many I wish to sell at a time. Include a key to sell all, such as control-click.


I believe others would like to disable that annoying "Loading Area" prompt without needing a plugin as well as being told when their items had degraded to 10% or less.



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Also the underwater seeing bug get fixed.

It allowed you to look under water clearly when your eyes were under the water but anything above that wan't

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my suggestion is: change the way of pursuing! i find it very unrealistic.

for example i was in gutted mine (quest for azura) and i got beaten up by vampires there :( , so i started to run to Cheydinhall and i made it ... but the vampires were pursuing me all the time for a VERY long distance, directly into hands of guards, who have wiped the floor with them :) .

I think that bandits, vampires, creatures and so on mustnt follow you to city... its weird if bandit comes into civilization with guards that are eager to kill him for his (?crimes?) only for one player who has shot him into back :D. they must back off when they see city, not running for me and get killed by guards...

Another suggestion is to change the acquiring of targets for NPC. why are they always attacking me? i have done nothing wrong to them, only happen to be be in their sight range... they dont mind the guard beating them up, theyre going always stubbornly for me... weird, isnt it?

vampires btw are also weird... in my example it was afternoon, and they were not affected by sundamage!! what applies for me must apply for them too !

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  Aenri said:
my suggestion is: change the way of pursuing! i find it very unrealistic.

for example i was in gutted mine (quest for azura) and i got beaten up by vampires there :( , so i started to run to Cheydinhall and i made it ... but the vampires were pursuing me all the time for a VERY long distance, directly into hands of guards, who have wiped the floor with them :) .

I think that bandits, vampires, creatures and so on mustnt follow you to city... its weird if bandit comes into civilization with guards that are eager to kill him for his (?crimes?) only for one player who has shot him into back :D. they must back off when they see city, not running for me and get killed by guards...

Another suggestion is to change the acquiring of targets for NPC. why are they always attacking me? i have done nothing wrong to them, only happen to be be in their sight range... they dont mind the guard beating them up, theyre going always stubbornly for me... weird, isnt it?

vampires btw are also weird... in my example it was afternoon, and they were not affected by sundamage!! what applies for me must apply for them too !


Seriously! I was in Leyawin, doing a quest on the shore. And I heard the "combat" music and saw a mudcrab get all saucy trying to run up a hill after me. I was level 18 so I was like, haha, right, mudcrab. Whatever. I ran from Leyawin to Anvil (I don't fast travel), did a couple very small quests, the music was all different and stuff, and then I went inside my house and suddenly... a mudcrab runs through my door and attacks me! I gave him an honorable death and now he's on my mantle... :)


So I second it... the way NPCs pursue the player is wildly inconsistent.

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It seems that most people are asking for major gameplay changes. The reason for a patch is to fix bugs or glitches in the game or to add in smaller things that may have been overlooked in production.


One major bug I would like looked into is the one that happens when you randomly get kicked from a guild for apparently no reason. I've had it happen twice, one for NO reason at all, and another when I killed someone during the Collector quest line. apparently he was in the mages guild (or had a reference to it in the CS)


Also, one thing that was majorly missing from oblivion is a mod selector based on your character profile. Its a major annoyance having to remember and manually select every mod used for individual characters.

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youre right raljik'tar, were asking for big gameplay changes, but we do that because we think that this things need to be changed. and who can change the game better than developer?

about kicking outta guilds... i have never heard of it before but i know that if some npc kill other npc in fair fight and killed npc is in quest, youre guilty of his death... weird... i had quest corruption and hmmm... something in cheydinhall and guards have killed the ulrich leland after some misunderstandings... quest box pops up and it says i have slain ulrich lelland! how?? i wasnt there. :( and i know if you kill guild member though is he/she attacking you, youre expelled, but you get no bounty.

and i agree with changing of apeechcraft minigame, i dont use it i rather bribe

we need better unarmored and h2h, for example decrease spell effectiveness and decrease stealth detection when in armor or encumbered. though im no fan of monk style fighting, i think it would be better for overall gameplay experience. im tired of seeing arena h2h combatant in a hopeless fight against shield and sword armored enemy:(. much more if it is my combatant :D

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In fact there is an unarmored fighting mod out as well as a couple or more for unarmed fighting (Lees fists of fury etc). Howver I see your point: H2H is terribly underpowered. Plus it would be a great idea (or not much of an idea but actually re-enabling) to take out our old spells. I know I'm being repetitive but its really needed. Of course I'd better like them to release some animation-changing feattures for the construction set.
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Something that I had forgotten earlier was a way for gauntlet weight to affect your H2H damage.


It makes sense that someone wearing a heavy metal plate such as the steel gauntlets over their nuckles is going to hurt a LOT more than someone hitting with their bear fists.


Also, if you're going to do that, why not add in a bonus, small damage over time aspect for Fur and Daedric gauntlets. Since both of those essentially have claws on them (go look at a fur gauntlet again, it has wolf claws on the nuckles--my favorite by far), it would make sense that they would cut the skin and cause bleeding damage.


I would think that it would be fairly easy to attach a script to these to make it work--possibly even a modder could solve these problems?

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