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Palace Of The Champion


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To all modders


Oblivion is a stunning game. Great challenges and rewards await all adventures.

However, one thing bugs me slightly.


I want an alternative reward for completing the main quest.


Using Wellington as my inspiration I believe that a suitable reward would be a stately home fit for the Champion of Oblivion.


I would love to build this my self but freely admit I have no talent in this department.


So how about the ultimate building mod challenge.


A palace with all the mod cons the empire can offer.


I think these specifications should challenge any builder to the hilt.




An imposing building an any suitable style with a grand enterance.


Walled with a locked gate (quest to unlock- see later)


Grounds with walk ways and gardens. Open to the public statues and a temple would be nice


Stables ( with a variety of horses fixtures fittings and maybe a groom)


Outbuilding (smith cottages etc)


Zoo ( who wouldn't want one. Puplic can visit)


A dungeon or two for interest


hunting lodge








Enterance hall


Grand Hall

I imagin this as a public space where adoring fans might gather. A dukal throne, and memorabilla to look at.


Banqueting Hall


Library (with a copy of every book in the game, perhaps unloocked when you complete a book related quest. Actually two copies would be better, one on a shelf and one in a chest)


Museum ( with artifacts from the main quest on display)


Servants quarters


Wine cellar ( containing every wine and ale in the kingdom, unlocked after a wine related quest)




Private office


private Dinning room


private lounge


private rooms and balcony


Wizards room ( with portal and various wizardy bits - quest like completing wizard guild to unlock - perhaps underground or in tower)


Alchemy room ( with quest to unlock, containing a full stocked alchemy lab)


Armoury ( full stocked - unlocked by fighting guild quest or related)


Theives and dark brotherhood rooms (quest unlocks)


Tresure room ( gems and jewels aplenty)


Practice rooms ( Sword and bow)




Display cases and chests a plenty


Throw in a few servants and a few mercanary guards and tou got the ultimate retirement home


By locking out sections of the house you can keep the adventures going.



In my imagination , the palce quest would begin after you get the dragon armour from martin and go to a bar in imperial City to drown your sorrows. there you meet a merchant who tells you that the citizen have clubbed together to buy you a palace. unfortuately the key has been stolen. Que dugeon quest to recover the key.



I know this is a tall order. but come on modders THE HERO OF KVATCH deserves it.



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Nice Idea but I would suggest looking over to some other posts as well. You are the first one however to be so specific about a castle :) . Its not a bad thing of course. I think there has just been released a mod about that here: http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=2661 Its just a "common" castle of course. but check it out if you want. I might have done something like this but I'm probably as good as you in this area, which means I don't know anything ;)
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Thanks for the tip.


I know the above spec is a tall order. It would take ages to build, or require a team to build.




Another thought.


Two mods which would really help to display items


* A manaquin which displays stored armour*


* A revamp of the z key *


The havoc physics is great in action sequences, seeing clutter being scattered as you fight adds to

the realism.


However in quieter moments it would be nice to pick up a book take it to a quiet spot, read it, and then take it back a place it neatly on a shelf. As it stands you are more likely to knock every other book off the shelf.

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I edited the starting post to remove the spoilers. I understand that some mods, (depending on the content,) must contain spoilers but please be careful when doing so, or at least warn the other users that spoilers are contained within the thread. Thanks. :)
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