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Leveled repair


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I've been thinking about something to enhance the repair skill and here it is. So lets say your fatman broke from overuse and you want to repair it. You have a repair skill of 10 so you can repair it up to 10%... wait what? your repair level is 10 and you can repair a gun that fires nukes with no knowledge whatsoever, what the hell!? so im basically asking for a mod so that you can repair certain types of guns at different repair levels


Ex. Pistols can only be repaired at repair 25+ assault rifles 50+ missile-type big guns 75+ sniper rifles 50+ energy pistols 50+ energy rifles 50+ Big-gun type energy rifles 75+ melee 25+ unarmed 25+ Uniques 25+ (to make them more unique) etc.


Not only would this bring a level of realism but it would also have the player rely more on vendors to repair weapons if they do not have the sufficient repair skill. I beleive this could be done via scripts but im no modder so i wouldn't really know. Also if anyone else has done something like this please link to it, thanks.

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This is actually a pretty cool idea. How about the more guns of the specific type that you repair, the better you're at repairing it. Repairing certain types of weapon at certain level is good too.


I would also like to have a mod that increases your acuracy with weapons the more you use them. Just like in GTA San Andreas.

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This is actually a pretty cool idea. How about the more guns of the specific type that you repair, the better you're at repairing it. Repairing certain types of weapon at certain level is good too.


I would also like to have a mod that increases your acuracy with weapons the more you use them. Just like in GTA San Andreas.


That's going a bit above and beyond isn't it? If at all i want to keep this mod simple and not ask for a total conversion of such. Those usually die or no one downloads because of incompatibilities with a lot of other mods.

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Semi-Oblivion-style repair, huh? Hmm.


And your sig is too damn big Hevy. :P


I do not understand what you meant. Are my signatures too big? I've checked the rules and regulations section, all my signatures are under size 110kb and the size limit. I think we're not allowed to have 1 giant signature and allowed to have a few small ones(they are 3 seperate small ones) Someone please correct me if I'm wrong (I will resize it if necessary). Is there a way to make the signatures go horizontally instead of vertically?


Yes, Semi-Oblivion-style repair would be really nice, adds lots of immersion. But having leveled repair, I'm just as happy.

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