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Need some help from someone experienced with companion mods


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If any authors of companion mods are out there, I need a little help getting one I'm working on functional. It's based off of an old version of Lucy West but everything is renamed and it overrides none of that mod now, and FO3Edit says there are no errors in the new mod either. She joins, but the options dealing with the AI packages appear not to be working; the script compiles, and if I insert other commands in between the parts supposedly dealing with the AI packages, they run, but no dice elsewhere. I'm at a complete loss as to why this is. Post or PM for the ESP.
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Its hard to say what might be wrong without more info. You may have another package that is being picked instead of the wait or go home packages becauae its listed above the others and is evaluating true. The game picks the very first package in the list whose criteria are met. There could be a myriad of other reasons as well: Conditions you though were set, aren't; another script is changing values you ise as conditions on your packages. Improper use of factions and interfaction relationships, etc...


PM me with a link to the file, if you want me to look at it. If you do, please include the NPC name, dialogue quest name and the cell name of his/her editor location, and maybe a bit more detail on the problem.

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Its hard to say what might be wrong without more info. You may have another package that is being picked instead of the wait or go home packages becauae its listed above the others and is evaluating true. The game picks the very first package in the list whose criteria are met. There could be a myriad of other reasons as well: Conditions you though were set, aren't; another script is changing values you ise as conditions on your packages. Improper use of factions and interfaction relationships, etc...


PM me with a link to the file, if you want me to look at it. If you do, please include the NPC name, dialogue quest name and the cell name of his/her editor location, and maybe a bit more detail on the problem.


Exactly what the guy above me said <3.

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Its hard to say what might be wrong without more info. You may have another package that is being picked instead of the wait or go home packages becauae its listed above the others and is evaluating true. The game picks the very first package in the list whose criteria are met. There could be a myriad of other reasons as well: Conditions you though were set, aren't; another script is changing values you ise as conditions on your packages. Improper use of factions and interfaction relationships, etc...


PM me with a link to the file, if you want me to look at it. If you do, please include the NPC name, dialogue quest name and the cell name of his/her editor location, and maybe a bit more detail on the problem.

So the order that packages are listed can effect things? That I did not know; thank you much! I'll PM you a copy of this too so that you can take a look.

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