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My Oblivion Mods Will NOT Work


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They don't show up in game or in OBMM?

Obvious point : If they're not in OBMM you like as hell don't have the ESPs in your data folder, and if you do they're not checked (because they aren't in OBMM) so they're not active in game.

When you reinstalled, did you reinstall everything and to the same directory?

Just if the path to the data directory has changed since your reinstall, OBMM will be looking in the old data path for the mods, not the new one, unless you reinstalled that too. (i know, I know, basic stuffs. Not tryin to say you're a Noob, just from personal experience, when its something like this the root cause is usally a simple oversight)



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If the mod is in the data list and checked, then does not show up. And you are using Vista or Win7 that is caused by the UAC. (User Account Control) A 'feature' microsoft added to keep you from making changes to anything in the program files folder without special permission. Even if you are an administrator you need to jump through their hoops to allow mods if you installed Oblivion in the default location.



For Vista related problems such as UAC, Check here:


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They don't show up in game or in OBMM?

Obvious point : If they're not in OBMM you like as hell don't have the ESPs in your data folder, and if you do they're not checked (because they aren't in OBMM) so they're not active in game.

When you reinstalled, did you reinstall everything and to the same directory?

Just if the path to the data directory has changed since your reinstall, OBMM will be looking in the old data path for the mods, not the new one, unless you reinstalled that too. (i know, I know, basic stuffs. Not tryin to say you're a Noob, just from personal experience, when its something like this the root cause is usally a simple oversight)




it is far more complicated then that, everything shows up i have them enabled there in the proper location but they just dont show up ingame

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And they were working before? Somethin's changed then, because mods don't just decide to stop working. Usually they give you a big fat kicker of a conflict and a screen full of "WTF! I'm a missing mesh" icons as the game tries and fails to look for all those things that the ESP's are pointing at... unless its just not reading the ESPs. Which screams UAC, as Bben said.

On the off chance that you're using Xp;


(i) Did you defo reinstall the official patch (a whole heckuva lotta mods rely on the 1.20416 version). I think this usually causes CTDs (a la missing/borked) master but as I have the GOTY edition and religiously kept my game up to date before I got it, I've not experienced that so I could be wrong.


(ii) Do you have SI installed? See point above.


(iii) Are you running from the disk? No-disk cracks are buggy as ferk and if you've virtually mounted the game recently you may find you have to uninstall then reinstall all your mods. I did. Though that could also be because I screwed up with the second install until I read Ben's article on how to do it properly.



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And they were working before? Somethin's changed then, because mods don't just decide to stop working.

I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to cause this in Vista or Win 7


Something to do with UAC.


Yes, UAC in its misguided attempts to control your computing lifestyle


could remove your mods because it didn't give you permission to install them.


This was previously noted in this thread, but the OP didn't tell us if following up on the UAC issue had any impact on the vanishing mods.



Of course there is one other reasonable cause of vanishing mods . . .


Annoying younger sibling - removing them for spite.

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What you are describing is exactly what happens when UAC is active in a Vista or Win7 computer. The mods are in the data folder, and they are selected, but do not show up in the game.
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I agree with Fonger and bben, this is definitely a vista or win7 UAC problem. You should follow the link bben posted and also take a look at the OBMM help file located in the Oblivion\obmm folder. Question 16 in the FAQ adresses this exact issue.
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