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Graphic card problem


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I've got a major problem and i need help. Recently my computer started to act weridly. For instance, when i play oblivion, after a while(5-10min) the screen stops for a second and alsorts of artifacts start to appear on the screen and sometimes the textures turn blue as if they were the normal maps. I'll post a screen in a sec.


The problem is that this dosn't affect Oblivion only but every video-game i play ( same happened in css and l4d). I guess it's related to my GC but i've already done a complete re-install of the drivers. Can you please help me?

Oh, and my GC is a nVidia 8600 GT.


Thanks, Unavi.


PS: now i'm getting the same little pixles/spots even on the desktop....halp! :unsure:

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It is the GC, i have the nvidia geforce gtx 295 and i also get the little pixles/spots in Oblivion and on the desktop on occasion, but not the blue textures, the nearest i can figure there is a conflict between the GC and windows graphics rendering window, if that makes any sense. this always seems to happen for a few weeks after downloading the latest drivers then it seems to settle down. Nvidia seem to be making compatability drivers for the new games but older ones like Oblivion are getting left behind, sorry i cannot be of more help but i am just letting you know you are not the only one this is happening to.
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uh, yeah that could realy be the case. It started when i downloaded the latest drivers, altought a week after the instalation...strange.


Thank you for your help anyway! (now i might have an escuse to buy a new GC :P)

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Have you been playing any "hardcore" games, which raise the temp. significantly, like FAO3/Crysis/Assasins Creed/FarCry?


Your grafic card is dead.

There is no such thing as troubles showing up after a week because of a driver.

It shows instantly, and only in some games. You say it occurs in all games.

Since your desktop looks odd and pixled, it is also a very clear sign

that the GPU has been overheated.

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I've installed the PC wizard and it says that the procesorr temperature is at 60°C adn the GC is at 65°C constantly. Isn't that a little to much?

I have assasin's creed but last time i played it was a month ago or something similar. It's defently not the cause.

Oh i have windows XP sp3.


I get this problems only after playing the games, so i don't think its realy busted. I'm gonna reinstall the old drivers. As soon as i find them.

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Ok, i've re-installed the 1.86 drivers and so far, after playing a little oblivion i haven got the same problem, but I still have the problem of the desktop showing in a pretty big square over the screen when i'm in game. i forgot to tell about this one before as it was shadowed by the the other.


Thank you for your help so far!

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It looks pretty busted however, but if you want to be absolutely sure, you must first get totally rid of old drivers.

Remove grafic card in your Computer> Hardware handling, then remove driver.


Then run a CMD command and write "regedit"

This will lead you to the REG_KEY´s. Here you must search and delete anything that says "Nvidia" or "GeForce"

With that done, install the last driver you know have been working well.


If it still dies out after some time it´s >>> R.I.P.


EDIT forgot to say temp is ok. I am often at 90 C, and have no problems

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well, i think i won't get itno opening the PC, i usualy do even more damage this way. Tommorow when i'll have time i'll run the driver sweeper and do the regedit think. I did it before this all happened, before i installed the 1.96 drivers.
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I do not mean open physically. Problem is I have a Danish computer, so I don´t actually know what the path is called to remove

hardware (in a virtual meaning)

When you rightclick MYComputer and choose properties you can select something like "handling Hardware"?

It is important, because if not done it will still leave traces of old drivers, just like in the REG_KEY

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