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Graphic card problem


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Honestly mate, I'd still be prepared to splash the cash. Neither Nvidia nor ATI, nor any other GPU company I'm aware of make drivers that aren't backwards compatible. Problem is the older cards ain't always new driver compatible. They can't work that way. For a start, they'd have to update the hardware as fast as they update the software, which simply is neither practical nor smart.

Simple reason - three weeks after Crysis came out, Nvid rebuild their graphics drivers. Crysis, on everyone thats running an Nvid card machine, goes boom. Crysis sold three billion copies world wide (I don't know this and can't be bothered looking it up - just roll with me here) ATI machines still run Crysis... but everyone thats running an Nvidia card can't even start the game without thier computer doin the bluescreen thing. Result = Nvidia go out of business overnight.

No, its never the drivers that aren't BC. Its the cards.

Sorry to be the devils advocate, but thats usually the way the big GPU companies play. Its never thier software thats incompatible with your hardware, its always the other way around.



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He/she shouldn't have any problems with Nvidia's current drivers, I was using those exact drivers on my old card, and it's was a generation older than that. Switching the drivers cannot cause that...bad driver install would equal a BSOD with nvid.sys or something to that degree as the source of the error.



It's not the hardware...it's the software...hardware is hardware. They update their software constantly because other software (games, Windows) keeps changing...hardware changes (speed and size, but not what they are made of) but not nearly as fast as software(ex. Windows Update, patches). It's human error, adding one little line or adding an extra space can cause a whole mess of things...it's all in the code. They find that little extra space they added, fix it, find some more weirdness in the code, fix it, boom there's a new driver. It just happens so often because they have to spit them out fast because the game companies/us want it fixed, they miss some stuff, a new game comes out, the cycle continues...


You may not realise that all graphics cards are the same? My HIS 5770 is the same as the ASUS 5770 for example. The GPUs are the same, the RAM is the same, the PCB is the same...all they do is plaster their name on it and stick a pretty cooler on it and charge more than the other guy. Or they crank it up 20Mhz and sell it for $20 more and call it the "Super Mega OC edition". Cheaper brands put a junk cooler on it with a cheap fan. In turn, the fan might die, it'll overheat, and bye bye. But the same can happen for the expensive ones as well, cruddy ones get through the line sometimes...we've all bought electronics :P Come home with your brand new Sony Walkman and it doesn't work...yay..haha




So sorry, but it's time for a new graphics card :(, that's gone and done...wonder what happened...overheated maybe? How old was it?.Amazing though, it can be just one little spec of corrosion on one of those billions of transistors and it's gone :(


FYI, just because the card works on the desktop doesn't mean it's not broken, if it does that in 3D, it's gone. I don't really know why it still works on the desktop, but it does (I'm thinking because the whole chip didn't go, just a few transistors)...same thing happened with my old Geforce 2 MX. Worked like nothing was wrong on the desktop, minute I popped up D2, the same exact graphical glitches you are having happened :(


Sorry :( But..atleast a good graphics card now is very affordable :)

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My GC is about 2 years old, aswell as all other components. I've never opened it let alone touched the GC. I'm having a feeling that you're right. Now it's not even itunes has problems displaying the artwork of the albums, but only after playing a game.

Unfortunatly right now i can't follow your advice of buying a new one, as i'm spending a lot of money on driving lessons (it's realy pricey down here) and becouse i'll have to buy a new better computer next year as i will start studing CG (hopefuly).


Well, anyway thank you for your help, kudos were given. ;)

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never opened? please tell me someone cleans the interior :blink:


Sheesh, it costs nothing to get driving lessons here, maybe that's why everyone drives like idiots lol :P

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never opened? please tell me someone cleans the interior blink.gif


ok, now i feel stupid as i was too afraind to lose the insurrency or whatever is it on the pc. It was 2 years so i guess now i should open it anyway. The only thing i did was hover the dust from the outer fan.

But anyway, would too much dust in the pc cause overheating? As we disocvered overheating isn't the problem here.

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oh yes, dust is your worst enemy...can clog up fans, clog pins, corrode, etc...it's mean :P It's best to clean your PC every 2 months or so, I do it once a month as I have cat and smoke. Nicotine cat hair dust...ugh..must quit smoking :P


I really wonder how it went...dust can cause something like that, but it's pretty rare.

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well i do have a cat that suffers from a severe hair loss....serioulsy, it's everywhere. Probably even in my computer. I guess i should open it asap. I just remembered that my previous PC almost died becouse it was dirty inside :P
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