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250 years later?


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I felt a need to post this thread because people seem to have a sad misconception of what the world would be like after a nuclear fallout. first off, after years of working the Trinity site In White Sands NM it dawned on me one day to take a peak at the sample fallout readings taken from the area. after 50 years the level of background radiation in the area is about the same as living at 7,000ft in elevation. Come on guys the world will not remain radioactive forever! so stop calling mods "realistic" because they increase the rad level worldwide.



I realize that balance is a critical part of any game. If your weapons and armor are not balanced the game play is crappy. With that in mind lets review real world facts about the weapons being modded.


.50BMG AKA MA' Duce, AKA the "hotdog cannon".

I have seen about 70 mods of different variants of the .50cal Barret Anti Tank rifle. almost all of them claim to be both "realistic" and balanced? NEWS FLASH GUYS! this is the modern day equivalent of the BFG 9000. No personal body armor will ever stop this bullet and even if you could create armor to do so the impact of the round will tear the person wearing it in half. no questions asked the 50 kills everything it touches.


If you would like to make a "realistic" weapons mod keep in mind that it will never be balanced. do your research a little first and then make the mod.



I realize that power armor is a critical part of the fallout universe so ill leave that one alone. for this i just have a few simple questions.


How does leather stop bullets?

If 5 feet of lead cant stop a neutron how do plastic yellow coveralls?



This one bugs the hell out of me all the time.


250 years after the bombs dropped the world is recovering from its fallout but for some reason the best accommodations a man can find is a tattered mattress on a WWII bunk bed frame? I mean, I love the survival aspect of the game and the job that the creators is top notch but if im in the waste and i can find a car im going to take the heap as scrap metal and wire and batteries ect. with those supplies im going to build water pumps, purifier, until I create a safe place where mankind can again thrive.

my point here is this, the fallout world is what it is but Bethesda gave US the tools to make it great. why not base a few mods that allow you to help get the world working again. they laid the ground work for us by making missions about improving trade routes, fixing water purifiers, and teaching a town full of teenagers to defend against raids! why not turn a Supermart into a thriving trade community with a parking lot of muti-fruit trees and a few brahmen pens? i think that with the right NPC minds no construction task is to big.


anyway, these are my thoughts about the direction i think modders should head with fallout 3. i know the 1st thing that Im going to hear is "do it yourself". so ill just put out now that im a total programing failsauce and if i do it myself your game will crash like ever before and a drive format will probably be involved in the recovery. this is not to say that i dont try, i have worked with the GECK for days on end trying to bring some of these ideas to you with no luck. Id like to hear what you think about all this and maybe get Loxy and a few other high class modders to help bring the wasteland to a much higher standard of living at a gradual pace.

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I felt a need to post this thread because people seem to have a sad misconception of what the world would be like after a nuclear fallout. first off, after years of working the Trinity site In White Sands NM it dawned on me one day to take a peak at the sample fallout readings taken from the area. after 50 years the level of background radiation in the area is about the same as living at 7,000ft in elevation. Come on guys the world will not remain radioactive forever! so stop calling mods "realistic" because they increase the rad level worldwide.



I realize that balance is a critical part of any game. If your weapons and armor are not balanced the game play is crappy. With that in mind lets review real world facts about the weapons being modded.


.50BMG AKA MA' Duce, AKA the "hotdog cannon".

I have seen about 70 mods of different variants of the .50cal Barret Anti Tank rifle. almost all of them claim to be both "realistic" and balanced? NEWS FLASH GUYS! this is the modern day equivalent of the BFG 9000. No personal body armor will ever stop this bullet and even if you could create armor to do so the impact of the round will tear the person wearing it in half. no questions asked the 50 kills everything it touches.


If you would like to make a "realistic" weapons mod keep in mind that it will never be balanced. do your research a little first and then make the mod.



I realize that power armor is a critical part of the fallout universe so ill leave that one alone. for this i just have a few simple questions.


How does leather stop bullets?

If 5 feet of lead cant stop a neutron how do plastic yellow coveralls?



This one bugs the hell out of me all the time.


250 years after the bombs dropped the world is recovering from its fallout but for some reason the best accommodations a man can find is a tattered mattress on a WWII bunk bed frame? I mean, I love the survival aspect of the game and the job that the creators is top notch but if im in the waste and i can find a car im going to take the heap as scrap metal and wire and batteries ect. with those supplies im going to build water pumps, purifier, until I create a safe place where mankind can again thrive.

my point here is this, the fallout world is what it is but Bethesda gave US the tools to make it great. why not base a few mods that allow you to help get the world working again. they laid the ground work for us by making missions about improving trade routes, fixing water purifiers, and teaching a town full of teenagers to defend against raids! why not turn a Supermart into a thriving trade community with a parking lot of muti-fruit trees and a few brahmen pens? i think that with the right NPC minds no construction task is to big.


anyway, these are my thoughts about the direction i think modders should head with fallout 3. i know the 1st thing that Im going to hear is "do it yourself". so ill just put out now that im a total programing failsauce and if i do it myself your game will crash like ever before and a drive format will probably be involved in the recovery. this is not to say that i dont try, i have worked with the GECK for days on end trying to bring some of these ideas to you with no luck. Id like to hear what you think about all this and maybe get Loxy and a few other high class modders to help bring the wasteland to a much higher standard of living at a gradual pace.


What you're saying is very true. But there are mods out there that "balances" the game. Have you tried XFO? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=334 Lots of rebalances in there. You're no longer a superhuman that can withstand hundreds of bullets and still wouldn't fall while wearing leather armor.


For civilization, someone's working on it, but he hasn't been active. Check this out: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10222

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"Realism" would be if someone who wants to kill me hides somewhere and then shoots a bullet in my Head. I'll die and never know what hit me. That's realistic, but that game would be rather boring.


There are some things that annoy me; Since Fallout is very much aware that it's filled with golden age Scifi science i'll forgive most of the rather unrealistic stuff like the the Whitehouse being hit be the tiniest nuclear bomb in the history, or the Robot voices (you think if we can build a fully functional AI, we'd be able to make some vocal cords...), or the Robot AI and so on.


I like the Settlement "Paradise Falls", not so much it's occupants though. Paradise Falls is somewhat like i imagine a settlement of Survivors about a few years after the bombs fell. A few makeshift Fortifications around some Buildings. Some People gathered here to find some Food and the first big Group that decided to not bash each other in the Head over the Remaining Ressources in the Buildings and band together instead now lives here. People from the outside would try to take some Stuff by Force, so the Settler Group fortifies the Place.


Later, People would make better Fortifications though, they'd go to the Ruins of Washington and dismantle Buildings to get Parts, like I-Beams.

This Process is known from the Middle Ages, when some big Building was abandoned, People from nearby Villages came by to get the Stones. This was rather long and exhausting, but still better then to get Stones from a Quarry where you'd have to break solid Rock.


After a While, Settlers would make Alterations to Buildings in a Way that doesn't look like Crap.


Plaster seems to be unknown in the Fallout world. Welding is a forgotten Art, except for the Bridge to rivet City.


200 Years after the great War we'd have a working Economy in a Nation State that existed for a 100 Years.

Survivors of the Great War may not have much use for the Skills they learned in their Professions, but they going to need them eventually. After i fulfill my most basic Needs, i'll tackle the other ones.


People will form communities quite quickly and then they'll want to make their lives easier. They'd grow their own Food and have People gather and repair some Machines to make that easier.

I'd say withing like ten years after the great War we'll have working Communities which can cover all the basic Needs and the larger ones will even have Radiostations.

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Fonger: great point, i had forgot to mention all of the ongoing research on the islands in the south pacific.


Madman: solid points, I like the comment about the functioning economy and i had ideas in the past about how to answer for supply and demand of crafting materials and food to make what you see in shops instead of the magic delivery script in fallout but the work to create that mod would take much more time and know how then i have.


my idea was to make a weapon that turns vehicles into scrap metal and parts (IE a cutting torch) have a group of NPC's that live in a small base like the 1st temple of the union. those NPC's would serve no other job then to salvage parts from the waste and sell them to a local city.


the local cities would have engineers with small fabrication shops that would turn that scrap into what the market demands at the time.


this same basic system would work for hunters and farmers as well. they create a product and the city would cook/refine it and sell it.


then i would rewrite the trade caravans so that they purchased and sold these goods from the large city supply to the small market in places like megaton and tenpenny. in my economy the caravan would deal only with the local shop owners and would probably travel with much more protection.


the idea is basic but functional and it would add a level of "action/reaction" that would effect game play in ways that most couldnt imagine.


think about this. you decide that your a raider. in making this choice you raid a camp of scrappers and kill everyone and take they're scrap to sell in rivet city.

This action would cause an overall shortage in crafting materials that would make all types of weapons/ammo/explosives/armor much harder to find and much more expensive to purchase! how would that effect your game play?


same can be said for hunters and farmers. cant make clothing without brahmen hide's, cant maintain a city without food and water. what will you do when it comes to that?


this is part of the reason that I dropped Loxy's name, he seems to have a talent working with NPC's and could prove to be a very valuable resource if this project ever comes to light.

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wow, that's great info........ if your at ground zero but for those of us who live in remote "non-targeted" areas all that says is you poor city boys wont be around to bother us. besides this discussion is about the world 250 years after nuclear war so your cute bomb scare article really doesn't provide any insight.


thanks for the post though.

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No, your use of sarcasm does NOT make you look like a jerk.

No, that was NOT sarcasm.



Oh and btw, with that attitude you´ll sure get the help of all that "high class modders"! They love to implement ideas of such polite and nice people, and it´s not like implementing your OWN ideas is the most fun in modding, no no no!

Besides, do you know how much work it would be to implement your ideas? No, of course you don´t. Let someone else do it, after all it´s only you who has the brains to come up with such an ingenious idea.


Much love from a city boy who won´t bother you anymore

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wow, that's great info........ if your at ground zero but for those of us who live in remote "non-targeted" areas all that says is you poor city boys wont be around to bother us. besides this discussion is about the world 250 years after nuclear war so your cute bomb scare article really doesn't provide any insight.


thanks for the post though.


Have you actually read the article? Your concept of what the world would be like after a nuclear fallout is actually wrong. There would be no more civilization at all. The most likely to survive are those who are lucky enough to be in the vaults. There would be absolutely nothing outside of the vaults, just a simple lifeless wasteland, those that leave the vault would most likely die of radiation poisoning or starvation since there won't be food out there. I do not need to actually explain myself, I thought that providing that article, you would be smart enough to reconsider your thought of how the world would be like after 250 years.

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