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A remake of The secret of steel


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I randomly found this mod not long ago and was a bit disappointed to find out it doesn't really work very well. I'm not sure if this is because it's just out of date, or maybe to do with DLC's, but either way it doesn't seem to functioning as intended.


I would love it if someone with the knowhow to recreate this mod would do so because while other mods like Morrowloot affect the game in a similar way, they also introduce features that some people (like myself) may not want.


Anyway, I understand if this is a bit too niche for someone to feel like it's worth their time remaking it but I thought I may as well ask in case there's anyone that feels the same and knows how to do it.




Here is the mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14175/?

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