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drug that makes time fly by


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Hmm... I think this might be possible. Like in bullet time mod, you can slow down time, why not do the opposite of it. Pressing the bullet time key slows down time, eating time pill speeds up time. Not necessary be a pill, can be an ability that lets you dynamically speeds up time. Not sure though, I have no experience in script editing.


Anyway, if you don't mind me asking, why would you request for such a mod? I'm just curious.

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its prolly a funky feeling lol... like youre a rock in the shore...

however that will probably eat lost of pc performance as everything needs to get calculated much faster than usual


You're absolutely right, didn't think about that. Toggling "wait" button does the same thing. It doesn't benefit one from speeding up time too.

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And I can see that it would be easy to die if you happen to take the drug at a bad time


True, but mobucks haven't replied why he wants such a mod, which I'm really curious to know. The next thing that I can think off is you get to see the weather, day/night move around in fast forward which would look pretty cool.

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I'm pretty sure in RTS there's a function that seems like it's fast-forwarding time when you're helping builders to speed up the construction process. A day passes in a couple seconds, but you're awake and can see the light change all quick-like.


I don't know if it's exactly what the OP wants, because nearby NPC's don't really speed up they just fade into their new positions at the end of the cycle. It seems pretty close to the idea, so maybe looking at the way RTS performs this action could provide insight into how one could "drugify" this effect.

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settimescale or setactorspeed... whereas settimescale is more genral and setactorspeed affects only one actor and the animations will look out of place...

but as was said before that hardcore performance intensive and i doubt any computer out there coul cope with it, if you for example speed up the time 4 times than the load on your pc is 4times as much and if you dont play in 640x480 youll probably crash or lag like hell destroying the whole experience...

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settimescale or setactorspeed... whereas settimescale is more genral and setactorspeed affects only one actor and the animations will look out of place...

but as was said before that hardcore performance intensive and i doubt any computer out there coul cope with it, if you for example speed up the time 4 times than the load on your pc is 4times as much and if you dont play in 640x480 youll probably crash or lag like hell destroying the whole experience...


I've never had any big problems with the way RTS does it. I do get a bit of an FPS drop during the effect so it does get a little bit laggy, but it's not so bad and it stops when the effect is over. I do have a decent computer, definitely not an ultra-powerhouse but it handles it relatively well @ 1680x1050.

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Well, it's an interesting idea on a smaller scale. Maybe time passes 1.25x as fast but you get huge DR/health/str bonuses (super buffout anyone? or maybe some super psycho, stuff like that). Give a whole new cost/benefit dimension to drugs rather than the addiction part, which is really neglible to begin with.
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