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Killable Children Version 1.2 problem


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anyone used that mod? i think this mod has a problem which is that whatever esp u use,the children always have more than one life,they will revive themselves a couple seconds later when being killed.even being headless,they still stood up ran away.so preposteous :confused: anyone can offer any help?
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Did you type "bat kids" in the console after installing the necessary files? It's a text file full of console commands that removes the kids' "essential" status so they are actually killed instead of knocked unconscious, and as far as I know this file only needs to be executed one time.


Copypasta from the mod's installation instructions:


5. Once you load your save file, open console.

6. Type bat kids (This will run the text file you copied earlier and set all kids to non-essential so you can kill them)

7. Exit Console


Good luck!

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