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Mech Tactics, Operation Svaboda.


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After much silence, and no talk of any new roleplays introduced. Antonkr and Shadowmadnezz met at their HQ briefing room to discus the situation. After much deliberation, they have finally created a new roleplay.

And now, They Introduce...





Operation Svaboda




Roleplay created by: Antonkr and Shadowmadnezz


The Story..



2063 - For Centuries, a dark cloud of war and conquest consumed the world. Nations after Nation have befallen into war over bitter disputes regarding anything from Resources to their own paranoia amongst one another. Countries were either divided by war,or whipped out, completely nuked for not fighting hard enough to survive. The Chinese Dictator Jiang Haun, was behind most of the bloodshed. Through strategic victories, terrorism and manipulation, he pulled the strings behind the bloody wars to conquer the whole of Asia and bits of eastern Europe. The New Chinese Republic (NCR) has it all from high powered weapons, advanced fighter Jets and even the first Advanced Robotic Military Armor (A.R.M.A.). These Mechs were called the Taishi Type-3 aka The Triad. These Mechs were mass produced in large numbers, decimating enemy forces and paving the way for Chinese Victory throughout Asia and Europe.


The Russian Federation - still a mighty Superpower was the only nation to survive, and withstand Jiang Haun's mighty regime. With heavy casualties on the front lines, The Russian's desperately pushed NCR forces back, and began developing their own Mechs. They were based off of stolen Chinese blueprints. The units were durable, and cheap, but gave the Russians the edge to hold off advancing attacks. But they alone couldn't defeat the NCR.


Suffering from their own battles and warring factions, the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and other nations in the UN were hesitant in sending in troops to aid in Russia's efforts to defeat the NCR. But after a major victory in Moscow, The Russian President Vladimir Kureev, cried out, urging other nations to unify them selves, band together, and help against the rising threat from Jiang Haun. Moments after the call to arms, The UN gathers supplies and what ever troops it could to send to the war in Asia to defeat the NCR at its core. Along with the Allied UN forces, Private Military Contractors (Mercenaries) joined the battlegrounds from all over.


2073 - Ten years have passed since the wars began and you have known nothing else. The end-war is nearing. Mech's have emerged of all different designs and models. The enemy has them - and so do you. Its time you must prove yourself, to your country, and your comrades that you are a superior Warrior. The choice is yours and yours alone on what you will fight for. Your country? A cause? Or maybe even money?


The choice is yours, but make it quick..







Russian Federation - The war has spread into The Fatherland. Join us comrade, and liberate our home!


United Nations - Fight for Freedom. The UN has took a severe blow to it in these hard times but the nations still apart of it are still in fighting shape. Although Russia had disbanded from the UN, they are still their allies in this war.

NCR - Dictator Jiang Haun massive army. for years The New Chinese Republic has spread deceit and warfar across the world. With Nuclear holocaust, and Terrorism as their weapon, They are the top of the food chain in this war.

Mercenary - Choose your sides carefully. If you see your current employer isn't paying out what they promised, or you don't share the same views as them, switch sides. The Almighty dollar is the Mercenaries only creed.




Laws of War

The Rules


- All sign up sheets must be sent to either Antonkr or Shadowmadnezz


- No Spamming! No one line posts! Make posts descriptive (Not like Vault or Zombie RP)


- No overpowering, use common sense.





New Recruits Sign Up here!




Name (Call Sign):




Appearance: ((Picture, if not, describe him/her, but picture is better))







Name of Mech:

Mech's appearance: ((Picture, if not, describe it, but picture is better))

Weapons of Mech: (list where the weapon is located: Left arm right arm left shoulder etc.)





The role-play will start soon. While you are waiting you can make your character sheet and private message it to Antonkr or Shadowmadnezz.

You need help finding your perfect mech or character picture. Just pm Antonkr. Belive me he got a whole collection of them.

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Name of Mech:


Mech's appearance: http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/2883/mech3lf.jpg


Weapons of Mech:

Left arm: Battle axe, Right arm: Heavy pistol. Haves also an assault rifle. (can swap between these three weapons)



Body: Jump pack and heavy armor. Head: Thermal-, and movement detector, Night Vision, also a camera. Weapons: Battle axe, Heavy pistol and an assault rifle.


Height: 10 meters


Other: Very agile and easy moving, even with a heavy armor. D.A.R.T mechs are always on a squad, and mostly dropped from a dropship, from where they fly to the battle. Also called 'elites' in combat.





Name (Call Sign): Rob (Call Sign: Air)


Age: 25


Gender: Male


Faction: UN


Appearance: http://cyberpunk.asia/gallery/Kunkka_-_Mech_Pilot.jpg



Strenghtened muscles (Thanks to his suit). Good aiming, close and range combar training with some stealth training.



He suffers from rare disease which causes him to die without his breather mask.



Rob has a rare disease which causes him to die if he doesent get purified air. Rob's disease is inborn. Rob doesent like to talk about his youth, so no one knows where exactly he was born. Rob lives at Los Angeles. Rob has guite a history with ladies (aint that strange?). Only place he can be without his mask is his own house, high class hotels, his mech and some other (rare) places. Rob is quite new at UN, but haves still much experience in using mech's and some experience with querrilla style assaults.



Likes ladies, and ladies like him. Likes joking even when the situation is bad. Rob got ironically his calling sign from his disease, and his crazy jump pack stunts.

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Name (Call Sign): Khai Zhou


Age: 36


Gender: Male


Faction: NCR





Perks/Skills: A Veteran Mech Pilot, expert strategist. A vandal in battle (Doesn't care about the damage he causes to the terrain)


Weaknesses: Compassion, makes reckless decisions in battle that are often costly to those under his command


History: Chinese/Japanese decent. Started his carrier as a Mech pilot in the earlier years of the war. raised through the ranks in the Chinese army and became a high ranking officer.


Personality: Heartless, doesn't like to get close to people.



Name of Mech: Kamikaze


Mech's appearance:



Weapons of Mech: Assault Rifle w/ Explosive Shells (Right Hand Weapon) Plasma Energy Blade (Left Arm) Missile Launcher Pods ( Shoulders ) Gattling Gun (Chest)


equipment: Boosters to provide a short burst of speed from time to time. Also allows the Kamikaze to fly short distances.


Height: 20 ft.


Other: Very agile, but durable at the same time

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Name of Mech: D.A.R.T

Mech's appearance: http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/2883/mech3lf.jpg

Weapons of Mech: Left arm: Battle axe, Right arm: Heavy pistol. Haves also an assault rifle. (can swap between these three weapons)

equipment: Body: Jump pack and heavy armor. Head: Thermal- and movement detector, allso a camera. Weapons: Battle axe, Heavy pistol and an assault rifle.

Height: 3 meter

Other: None



Name (Call Sign): Rob

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Faction: UN

Appearance: http://cyberpunk.asia/gallery/Kunkka_-_Mech_Pilot.jpg

Perks/Skills: Strenghtened muscles (Thanks to hes suit). Good aiming and some stealth training.

Weaknesses: He suffers from rare disease which causes him to die without his breather mask.

History: Rob has a rare disease which causes him to die if he doesent get purified air. Rob has guite a history with ladies tho (aint that strange?). Only place he can be without his mask is his own house, high class hotels and some other (rare) places.

Personality: Likes ladies, and ladies like him. Likes joking even when the situation is bad.

This looks good but a few things. First the height 3 meters. Most Mechs in this rp are going to be way bigger. Mine for example is 50 feet. (15 meters) and it even serves as his house. Its up to you if you want to keep it that way or change it. Second, about history: Tell more about your character. Where he was born, where he got the disease. His experience in UN. Try to put in more info about him.

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Name (Call Sign): Jake West. Callsign: GunMan.

Age: 25

Gender: M

Faction: Merc.

Appearance: Ovalish shaped face, Deep green eyes & Tall.

Perks/Skills: Keeps a cool head under fire, Shows mercy if the situation is bad enough. Also has Great leadership skills.

Weaknesses: Doesn't take well - or kindly - to a friend dying.

History: UNKNOWN...

Personality: Likes a cold drink every now & then, Doesn't really settle on 1 person to spend his life with. At the end of the day, He'd rather be out fighting though.



Name of Mech: HMX-111

Mech's appearance: http://andrewellrodt.com/MechPic_01_Smaller.gif

Weapons of Mech: 2 rocket pods on left/right shoulders, Blue laser in left arm & GxC corp Minigun in the right arm.

equipment: 30 EMP grenades positioned in a launcher above right 'wrist', 30 standard Fragmentation Grenades above left 'wrist'.

Height: 12.5meters

Other: Nuclear/Gas powered BVG turbine, Combined with a top of the line Extension/Compression frame in the legs allows running at 25km/h. Titanium outer shell to prevent small arms fire. When not in the field, Its being Upgraded/Repaired.

Also has a small Command centre behind the Cockpit.

((Note the rust in the Pic. That is non existent on mine, But I went with it anyway because the Pic was exactly what I saw when I thought it up.

Isnt DeviantArt great?))

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Name (Call Sign): Jake West. Callsign: GunMan.

Age: 25

Gender: M

Faction: Merc.

Appearance: Ovalish shaped face, Deep green eyes & Tall.

Perks/Skills: Keeps a cool head under fire, Shows mercy if the situation is bad enough. Also has Great leadership skills.

Weaknesses: Doesn't take well - or kindly - to a friend dying.

History: UNKNOWN...

Personality: Likes a cold drink every now & then, Doesn't really settle on 1 person to spend his life with. At the end of the day, He'd rather be out fighting though.



Name of Mech: HMX-114

Mech's appearance: http://andrewellrodt.com/MechPic_01_Smaller.gif

Weapons of Mech: 2 rocket pods on left/right shoulders, Blue laser in left arm & GxC corp Minigun in the right arm.

equipment: 30 EMP grenades positioned in a launcher above right 'wrist', 30 standard Fragmentation Grenades above left 'wrist'.

Height: 12.5meters

Other: Nuclear/Gas powered BVG turbine, Combined with a top of the line Extension/Compression frame in the legs allows running at 25km/h. Titanium outer shell to prevent small arms fire. When not in the field, Its being Upgraded/Repaired.

Also has a small Command centre behind the Cockpit.

((Note the rust in the Pic. That is non existent on mine, But I went with it anyway because the Pic was exactly what I saw when I thought it up.

Isnt DeviantArt great?))


Very nice, it's a Mad Cat MKII if I'm not mistaken. Seeing this reminds me of so much of my fun time playing Mech Warrior Mercenaries about 7 years ago.

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Name (Call Sign): Anton aka White Dog


Age: 38


Gender: male


Faction: Russian Federation


Appearance: http://de.ifun.ru/4/f/4fclnszd.jpg



Perks/Skills: Ability to operate electronics. Able to fly fighters and helicopters.


Weaknesses: Smoking, he doesn't like to get out of his Mech.


History: He served in the Russian Air Force for 5 years, flying new Su-44s. He was a very successful pilot. Until one time on an air support mission, he got shot down. He ejected succesfully and used a half destroyed Russian mech to survive


Personality: Quite, fun loving, mysterious.



Name of Mech: Ku-25


Mech's appearance: Big plain looking scratchy


Weapons of Mech: (Left arm) M21 Vulcan Cannon, (Right arm) One Hydra 70 pod (50 unguided missiles), 8 AGM Hellfire missiles laser guided missiles customized for mech. On the back: 2 hidden AA missiles. 1x AI 360 degrees autocannon.


equipment: 4 stable cameras around the Mech for clear view equipped with night vision and heat vision.


Cockpit: An air conditioner, Coca Cola vending machine. communication radios, recliner chair to allow him to sleep in the mech, and retractable russian flag on top. One of the walls Anton has all his medals and honors. http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/9/8528/55486.jpg


Height: 32 feet


Other: On the outside he has 53 NCR flags drawn to indicate amount of mechs he destroyed. The mech overall has a lot of scratches. some pods for transporting troops

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