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New Skeleton Cuirass


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Essentially, yes.


However, inventory is controlled at the base level, not the individual skeleton level.


Find the type of skeleton you want in the list of creatues. Double click to edit. In the creature/NPC window there are several tabs. One of these tabs is inventory. Drag the curirass from the armor objects into the inventory window of the skeleton.


However, an npc or creature can only wear one piece of any given type, so make sure there are no others of the type you have added, otherwise the one you added might not be the one the npc/creature actually wears.

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I wish it were that easy, but do to the fact that a skeleton is a creature and not an NPC, it isn't. In order to enable armor, you must use the model list tab. Unfortunately, the only armor available is DB armor.


Exactly. I´ve tried to put a normal piece of armor in the meshes/creatures/skeleton folder and though it does appear in the CS when equiped thru the model list, it has a few stretched out parts.

This probably happens because normal armor(used by the player and NPCs) is rigged to the skeleton found in the meshes/characters/_male folder and the skeleton(creature) uses a different skeleton contained in the meshes/creatures/skeleton folder. The DB skeleton armor is a different 3D model than the regular DB armor and is also rigged to the skeleton contained in meshes/creatures/skeleton. So to make new armor that is usable by the skeleton creature i think you would have to rig it to the skeleton used by that creature.


Hope this isn´t too confusing :confused:

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as for helping out with your mod, i am a bit busy at the moment and also i´m not what you would call an experienced modeler(at least not relating Oblivion), i´ve never modeled anything for oblivion from scratch yet, so i don´t know if i can be of much help with that.


About the town guard cuirass i just tried to rig it and it seems to work in game, though as you can see some adjustments need to be made to the armor so that the skeletons ribs aren´t visible.




I´ll try and finish it tomorrow :thumbsup:

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Here it is:




It still has one problem in the back, the belt area stretches a bit when he walks. I´m no good at skinning yet :wacko:




Anyway try it out in game and later if you want i can try improving it a bit more.

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Thanks for the help!


I'm planning on retexturing the cuirass to look more like crusader armor (possibly)


EDIT: There's only one problem. When he dies, the armor stretches MASSIVELY as his arms flop about (this is probably why Bethesda's DB cuirass has no arms). Except since I would like to keep the arms, is it possible to disable the fact that he falls apart on death?

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You´re welcome :smile:


Sorry about that, i didn´t kill him so i didn´t know about that problem. :confused:

I should have tested it better.This is probably the result of bad skinning but i´m not sure. I´ll look into it and as soon as i fix it(i hope i can) i´ll post here.

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It's not you're fault, don't beat yourself up about it. I just wanted to see what would happen if I placed him with zero health.


If it helps (and it might not cause I wouldn't know) I think the problem is that the arms are attached comepletely to the body, so if you could shear the arms away from the main cuirass but still have them stationary, it might work.

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